Wow, this was a huge shock...then a chuckle.
So the other day I was having Mom change my snazzy bandana into another snazzy bandana and I noticed something very strange!! My know, we all have our tags/license things. Well, I've never really looked at mine, but I sure should have. Check out the pix below to see what I found out!
Wait just a minute! I'm only 5...and I'm not officially 5 until the 25th! This is just wrong, wrong, wrong. Then I got to the chuckle part. Mom informs me that my (craddle robber) Dad bought this for me with a senior citizen discount...because he's the geez...uh...I mean older peep! BWAR HAR HAR BOL BOL This made it all really funny...except I do still wonder how come it is I still end up wearing the "old guy" tag. Must be some sorta peep joke. HAR HAR
Happy Saturday everyone!
Grr and a Youthful Woof,
Sarge, COP
BOL. I'm guessing the Dad doesn't want to feel like the "SC". & I'm turning 5 this year too! Hehehe
BaaaaWaaaah now that is REALLY FUNNY. Who would have thought that YOU would get that on you licence... Well NOW that means you can go lots of places and get hooooooooge discounts on lots of stuffs. RIGHT???
Ha! I know how you feel! Sometimes my geezer,I mean slightly-older-than-me husband buys TWO senior citizen tickets at the movies and I want to protest "I'M not a senior!"
BOLBOLBOL too funny, Sarge!! You're turning 5? I'll be turning 6 this year! I'm gonna be a VETERAN! NOOOOO!!!!!
you should make your dad wear the tag :)
uh yah, what is the tag doing on YOU!! BOL I am gonna be 5 in April, cool huh?? Isnt it great to almost be 5??? Make your senior citizen wear his own tag, BOL
Jazzi and Addy
Oh THAT is funny!
That is hilarious, Sarge. So now you need to go shopping with the humans and show your Senior Citizen ID so you can help them get a huge discount, especially if it is on goodies for you.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
OOOOOOHH, YOUR liscence fee was discounted because YOUR DAD is over 100 like our mom!!! BOL BOL BOL!!! Your tag should just say, "Hi I'm Sarge and I belong to an old guy." Maybe Sugar can make that tag for you!!
Have a fun weekend, Sarge!
Well Sarge after reading your post I thought I was going to say Sarge you make your Dad wear the tag since it is His TAG!!!!! But it has already been said so now I don't know what to say except your bandanna is very pretty!!
Have a good week-end!!
XX, Bambi & Fern
Hehe... that is a funny one! You could always put a tag cover on like I have and no one would know you have the senior discount!!
Your bestest girl, who is already 5,
PeeS - I love that we have matching bandannas!!!!!!
Oh my word, if you weren't a cop you would never have investigated all this, BOL
Benny & Lily
Dat is funny....don't get losted in anudder state (like Florida) cause we don't do da senior discount ting and no buddy would understand and tink YOU were da senior citizen. BWHahahahah
Just give him the ol' stare and make him squirm...then the ol' treats will start flowing your way!
Does this mean they give you free ice cream on Tuesdays and senior discounts, too? That might be a handy thing to have...
That's a mean trick, Sarge! But then, maybe you'll get some discounts.
We think you're in your prime, you handsome devil.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
You'll grow into it.
Ahhh Sarge thats barkingly funny ... mommy is finally back to the computer so I can access it and get back to blogging!!! Tails and Wags , Dolce
BOL!!! Too funny, Sarge!
Butt, now you can get da Early Bird Senior Discount at Denny's~
Glad to know it was not a thing related to your age!
Happy saturday!
Kisses and hugs
LOL! Love Bunny's senior discount comment! :)
Too funny.
i think it's on your tag so you won't evarrr forget to remind your daddy about how OLD he is. teeheehee. ;)
the booker man
See, that's why they have YOU around, Sarge - to keep 'em YOUNG :)
The Road Dogs
Will that entitle you to the senior citizen discount at the pet shop and bakery? Might be worth it then! After all, you know you are just a youngster! ;-)
So, does he evFUR khall woo the wrong name?
Like Frankie or something else?
This is a very cute post Sarge!!
You should give your secretary a kiss!!
xx, Bambi & Fern
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