
April 30, 2015

Recruit A Pal...Welcome Dance

Hey Everyone!
Wow, I'm so excited about Recruit A Pal!

Here are the basic details:

Recruit A Pal will run the entire month of May through midnight 5-31-15.
Bring a new pal to Blogville or bring back one who hasn’t posted for 1 year.
New/Return pals must post on 6-1-15 to introduce themselves. 
New/Return pals must follow at least:  their Recruiter, Sarge, & BCCalendar.
Recruiters must notify me (lfurman1987ATyahooDOTcom) by 6-1-15.
Email must include the names and blog addresses of the Recruiter and Pal.
All species are welcome.
I will provide 1 prize for Recruiters.  Item from Clara’s Collars.
Frankie & Ernie will provide 1 prize for New/Return pals.
Madi will provide 1 prize for New/Return pals.   One handmade scarf.
Murphy & Stanley will provide prizes for Recruiters.   Four recipe books.
Oreo will provide 1 prize for a Recruiter and 1 for a New/Return pal.
Oz will do a header design makeover for 1 New/Return pal. 
A community wide dance will be held on 6-2-15 for everyone in Blogville.

For the past four days I've posted lots of hints and suggestions for trying to recruit new or returning pals to Blogville.

Today I want to bark about the big celebration to follow the event.   It's the WELCOME DANCE!

So, on 6-1-15 all of the new and returning pals will post their introductions.   On 6-2-15 all of Blogville is invited to the Welcome Dance.    This will be a fun chance to mingle and enjoy our furiendship.  

On that day, I will be posting pix of all of the successful recruiters and their pals.    Surf Jammers will perform too.   There is no deadline, you are all invited to post on your own or just visit the Dance here.

I do hope that I will have some volunteers to help me out on June 2nd.   We will need more music, security, foodables, and drinks.   If you'd like to pawticipate, the theme is WELCOME and just comment below so I know what you are interested in doing for the dance.

Okay, everyone, I hope you are excited about this!   I definitely am excited!   Thanks for reading along for these several days and GOOD LUCK, RECRUITERS!   GO GET 'EM!

Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

April 29, 2015

Recruit A Pal... Examples of Blogville

Hey Everyone!
Wow, I have more information for you today about Recruit A Pal!

Here are the basic details:

Recruit A Pal will run the entire month of May through midnight 5-31-15.
Bring a new pal to Blogville or bring back one who hasn’t posted for 1 year.
New/Return pals must post on 6-1-15 to introduce themselves. 
New/Return pals must follow at least:  their Recruiter, Sarge, & BCCalendar.
Recruiters must notify me (lfurman1987ATyahooDOTcom) by 6-1-15.
Email must include the names and blog addresses of the Recruiter and Pal.
All species are welcome.
I will provide 1 prize for Recruiters.  Item from Clara’s Collars.
Frankie & Ernie will provide 1 prize for New/Return pals.
Madi will provide 1 prize for New/Return pals.   One handmade scarf.
Murphy & Stanley will provide prizes for Recruiters.   Four recipe books.
Oreo will provide 1 prize for a Recruiter and 1 for a New/Return pal.
Oz will do a header design makeover for 1 New/Return pal. 
A community wide dance will be held on 6-2-15 for everyone in Blogville.

I think it would be really helpful to show your furiend some of the posts that will depict life in Blogville.   That gives them a real look at what all we do and how we do it.

Of course, some of what we do is totally virtual and fantastical.   Here are a few posts you might want to let them see to show off our whimsical side.
Ranger's Bat Pawty, Ranger  8-8-14.
Madi's Box Bash, my blog 1-10-15.
Guy's Day, Frankie and Ernie 3-23-15
Heart 2 Heart Dance, Murphy and Stanley 2-14-15
Easy's Pickpocket Story, Easy 8-15-14.

Of course, some of what we do is very real.   Here are a few posts you might want to let them see to show off the amazing good that happens here in Blogville.
Bert's Search & Rescue Tips,  Bert 8-15-14.
Safety Week, my blog with links to many others 8-11 to 8-16-14.
Transports to Furever Homes, Khyra 3-30-15.
Auction for Moore Oklahoma, Sidebite 5-31-13.
Our Rainbow Friends, tributes to those who crossed the bridge.
POTP, blog to share information about friends who need special support. 
Support for lost pet, Angel Greta 9-9-14 and 9-11-14.

I'm sure you have other examples in mind.   These are just a few.   Don't be afraid to brag about our world and let your furiend see exactly how we live our lives and post our posts.

We also have lots of on-going special days.   Some examples are Wordless Wednesday, FFHT by The Doods, Shop Around The World by Bacon, Snicker Saturday by me, Bentley and Pierre's Monday News, Ranger's Wacky Holidays, and lots of others.   These are all great posts to show a furiend.

Back on Sunday I posted about trying to explain what Blogville is all about.
Back on Monday I posted about dealing with time constraints as you recruit.
Back on Tuesday I posted to suggest you set up your furiends' blog for them.
Tomorrow I will give more details about the Welcome Dance on 6-2-15.

Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

April 28, 2015

Recruit A Pal... Get Them Started

Hey Everyone!
Wow, I'm so glad you stopped by today for more about my Recruit A Pal event!

Here are the basic details:

Recruit A Pal will run the entire month of May through midnight 5-31-15.
Bring a new pal to Blogville or bring back one who hasn’t posted for 1 year.
New/Return pals must post on 6-1-15 to introduce themselves. 
New/Return pals must follow at least:  their Recruiter, Sarge, & BCCalendar.
Recruiters must notify me (lfurman1987ATyahooDOTcom) by 6-1-15.
Email must include the names and blog addresses of the Recruiter and Pal.
All species are welcome.
I will provide 1 prize for Recruiters.  Item from Clara’s Collars.
Frankie & Ernie will provide 1 prize for New/Return pals.
Madi will provide 1 prize for New/Return pals.   One handmade scarf.
Murphy & Stanley will provide prizes for Recruiters.   Four recipe books.
Oreo will provide 1 prize for a Recruiter and 1 for a New/Return pal.
Oz will do a header design makeover for 1 New/Return pal.
A community wide dance will be held on 6-2-15 for everyone in Blogville.

Today, I want to make a really big suggestion that I think will help tons.   Try setting up someone's blog for them!   

For a lot of furiends, tech things can be terrifying.   I can pawsonally tell you that my peeps had no clue how to even begin blogging.   Frankie set up my bloggie for me and then just barked the login and password to my Mom.    POOF and BAM and WOOHOOOO I was blogging.    Once the template is set up, posting is fairly simple.   Adding pix and text is pretty easy.   Setting up the template, design, fonts, settings, etc can be very hard for someone new.    

Be sure to set up a very basic blog so they are not overwhelmed.   The beauty of this idea is that they can immediately start to post!   They don't even have to go through the difficulty of learning how to create the blog itself.   I can pawmise you that this is exactly how I got started.   Tons of thanks and love to Mamaw for creating the blog and handing it over already set up.   Your new furiend will feel immediately successful because they can quickly put up a post without the extra work.  

Later on, they will be more comfy and can play around with the colors, header pix, and etc.   Once they are more seasoned, these details will be fun instead of scary. 

I THINK THIS IS THE BIGGEST TIP I CAN GIVE YOU!   Just set it up for them.   Just do it! If they never use it, fine and dandy.   But with it already created, they'll feel more encouraged and less intimidated at the same time.     And, this will work perfectly with Oz's pressie of a blog header design makeover!    Set up the basics and then Oz can customize it later.   Easy, easy, easy for the new furiend.

In case you missed it, I had a post up on Sunday to help you explain what Blogville is all about.   
I had a post up on Monday about the time constraints that can worry your furiends.
Tomorrow I will bark about using our past posts as examples of life in Blogville.
Thursday will be information about the Welcome Dance on 6-2-15.

Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

April 27, 2015

Recruit A Pal... Time

Hey Everyone!
Wow, I'm so excited about Recruit A Pal!   This is my biggest event for the year and I'm so glad to have so many furiends interested already.

Here are the basic details:

Recruit A Pal will run the entire month of May through midnight 5-31-15.
Bring a new pal to Blogville or bring back one who hasn’t posted for 1 year.
New/Return pals must post on 6-1-15 to introduce themselves. 
New/Return pals must follow at least:  their Recruiter, Sarge, & BCCalendar.
Recruiters must notify me (lfurman1987ATyahooDOTcom) by 6-1-15.
Email must include the names and blog addresses of the Recruiter and Pal.
All species are welcome.
I will provide 1 prize for Recruiters.  Item from Clara’s Collars.
Frankie & Ernie will provide 1 prize for New/Return pals.
Madi will provide 1 prize for New/Return pals.   One handmade scarf.
Murphy & Stanley will provide prizes for Recruiters.   Four recipe books.
Oreo will provide 1 prize for a Recruiter and 1 for a New/Return pal.
A community wide dance will be held on 6-2-15 for everyone in Blogville.

Today I'm barking about the big issue of TIME.   

I bet any of you who have mentioned Blogville to someone has heard that they "don't have time for blogging".    We certainly can respect that!    Lots of us have busy lives.    Our peeps work, volunteer, have families, and have other hobbies and there are only so many hours in the day.   We all totally get that.

However, I think most peeps would be surprised that blogging can take as much or as little time as they'd like.       Try explaining that there are no rules about how much to post or how much commenting and reading to do in Blogville.    We can post once a week if that's all we have the time or inclination to do.    You certainly get better response to your own posts if you read and comment for others, but it isn't required at all.    A blogger could simply do a Wordless Wednesday post each week and be a perfectly happy Blogville citizen.   BOL   That would really take very little time.   

Another great tip is to post ahead.   Whenever a busy furiend has a some time available, use the Schedule feature and do a whole bunch of posts in one sitting.   That's a really efficient way to get your posts set up quickly and then you just sit back throughout the month and let them pop up as scheduled.   For a busy furiend, that's a super way to post without having to work at it every week!

For someone who has mini two-leggers in their lives, we all know they are busy!   Try suggesting this as something they can do with the kiddies.   Kids love pets and this would be a nice way to spend some time being creative together.    Sort of like art class or recess.   What a great way to occupy the kiddies and stay involved with them and have some creative fun too.

I hope this helps when you are talking with a furiend and they mention being worried about not having the time.   We all know that can be a big issue.

In case you missed it, yesterday I posted about explaining Blogville to someone.
Tomorrow I will be posting about setting up someone's blog for them.
Wednesday will be about using past posts as examples of life in Blogville.
Thursday I will post about the big Welcome Dance on 6-2-15.

Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish


April 26, 2015

Recruit A Pal...How to Explain It

Hey Everyone!
Wow, I'm wagging like crazy because I'm already getting some good response about my May event Recruit A Pal!    Here are the basics as mentioned in yesterday's post:

Recruit A Pal will run the entire month of May through midnight 5-31-15.
Bring a new pal to Blogville or bring back one who hasn’t posted for 1 year.
New/Return pals must post on 6-1-15 to introduce themselves. 
New/Return pals must follow at least:  their Recruiter, Sarge, & BCCalendar.
Recruiters must notify me (lfurman1987ATyahooDOTcom) by 6-1-15.
Email must include the names and blog addresses of the Recruiter and Pal.
All species are welcome.
I will provide 1 prize for Recruiters.  Item from Clara’s Collars.
Frankie & Ernie will provide 1 prize for New/Return pals.
Madi will provide 1 prize for New/Return pals.   One handmade scarf.
Murphy & Stanley will provide prizes for Recruiters.   Four recipe books.
Oreo will provide 1 prize for a Recruiter and 1 for a New/Return pal.
A community wide dance will be held on 6-2-15 for everyone in Blogville.


Today, I thought I'd try to help you explain exactly what Blogville is and what we do.
Have you ever tried to tell someone about Blogville and find both of you befuddled?  BWAR HAR HAR     It can be a little hard to describe without sounding silly or time consuming or complicated.

Basically, here's how I see us.    We are like Pen Pals through our pets.     We use Blogger or Wordpress instead of paper, envelopes and stamps.   We show the world through our pets' eyes.

Some of what we do is totally virtual, made up, and fantastical.    We drive cars, wear ball gowns, have jobs, talk.   We play in bands, throw parties, cater food and drinks.  We write stories and poems and tell jokes.   We have an enormous amount of pure entertainment in Blogville.

Some of what we do is very, very real.   We raise funds for rescues, those in need, emergencies for our furiends.   We give and get advice about products and pet problems and questions.   We support each other in times of need.  We raise awareness about pet issues.   We do a great amount of tangible good here in Blogville.

For the most part the peeps are anonymous.  Usually the pets are the bloggers and the stars of the show.   But, we also sometimes meet in person.   We share so much through Blogville that many of us begin to feel like furiends and family.   You can stay totally hidden behind your blog or you can connect with others however you are comfortable.    We also have peeps who are a big part of Blogville.    We welcome all peeps and all species of animals.   We have dogs, cats, birds, pigs, rabbits, donkeys.   We have had fish, guinea pigs, horses, turtles and hermit crabs (POL).   Our citizens come from all over the planet.   Really, all over.    We get a diverse way of seeing the world.   

Maybe this will help some of you try to describe Blogville to others. 

Tomorrow I will post about the time issues that can come up when recruiting.
Tuesday will be a post about helping a new furiend set up their blog.
Wednesday will about using our posts to show examples of life in Blogville.
Thursday will be a post about the Welcome Dance that will be held on 6-2-15.

Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

April 25, 2015


Hey Everyone!
Wow, I am so very excited to bark about this idea I had the other day!   I was thinking it would be pawesome to bring some new furiends to Blogville and maybe we need a recruiting event.   The more I strained my brain the more I liked the idea!  BOL    So, I'd like to announce my biggest event of the whole year.     Brace are the details:::


Recruit A Pal will run the entire month of May through midnight 5-31-15.
Bring a new pal to Blogville or bring back one who hasn’t posted for 1 year.
New/Return pals must post on 6-1-15 to introduce themselves. 
New/Return pals must follow at least:  their Recruiter, Sarge, & BCCalendar.
Recruiters must notify me (lfurman1987ATyahooDOTcom) by 6-1-15.
Email must include the names and blog addresses of the Recruiter and Pal.
All species are welcome.
I will provide 1 prize for Recruiters.  Item from Clara’s Collars.
Frankie & Ernie will provide 1 prize for New/Return pals.
Madi will provide 1 prize for New/Return pals.   One handmade scarf.
Murphy & Stanley will provide prizes for Recruiters.   Three recipe books.
Oreo will provide 1 prize for a Recruiter and 1 for a New/Return pal.
A community wide dance will be held on 6-2-15 for everyone in Blogville.

Now, I know this won't be easy.   That's why we have the entire month to work on it.   I'm so happy that Frankie and Ernie and Madi and Murphy and Stanley have all generously pledged prizes to help encourage pawticipation.

Over the next few weeks I will be posting some ideas / tips / suggestions / pointers that might help us as we talk others into joining us here in Blogville.    We have such an amazing time together and I think if we do a great big push we can get some furiends to blog with us.

More details to come soon.   For now, feel free to grab a badge and start thinking about asking others to move to Blogville!

Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Hopeful Recruiter

April 24, 2015

FFHT it smells like

 Hey everyone!
Wow, this is the bestest Friday of the whole month!   It's time to join our Doods Murphy and Stanley for Fractured Fryday Hairy Tails.   WhooohHoooo!

This month the inclusion is "it smelled like".     Here I GOOOOOOOO

Sarge was always a very brave mutt,
so he never felt butterflies flit in his gut,
and from forest critters he never did hide.

One day as he ran in his yard,
a scent hit his snooter so hard,
that it stopped this strong pooch in mid-stride.

Sniffling the air with a great big smile,
he searched for the smell for while,
and all through the air the aroma did ride.

This plot would then thicken,
this scent it smelled like chicken,
and to bash it would fill him with pride.

He ran to the source of the chickeny smell,
and on a poor chipmunk he fell,
and as he chomped he thought "wow, I didn't know these came in assorted flavors!"


Be sure to link over to THE DOODS and also check out other FFHT stories all around Blogville today.

Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

April 22, 2015

Working Wednesday...Cleaning Up

Hey Everyone!
Wow, it's time for another look at life as the Blogville Police Commissioner!    I have the bestest job in Blogville, I think.    Today, it's Spring Cleaning time.   YUCK   BOL  

 Holy Cow!     OMD I had no clue I was this far  behind on my filing.   Cripes I'll never get this done.   Maybe I need an assistant.   Hmmmm Gotta think about that.    We sure do lots of reports.  

 Spring's a great time to get my Uniform dry cleaned too.   Smells a little musty.   BOL   ahem.    Hope they don't crush my snazzy hat!  

 I'm even taking time out to check over the BPD vehicles.   Here's our transport van.   Oh, the staff has done an amazing job of keeping this clean.   We transport some icky Samson "The Mouth" and I didn't even find one little feather.   Someone managed to take care of any chicken poop.   BWAR HAR HAR   

I didn't even find any empty donut boxes in our cars!    I never expected to find any full ones.  BWAR HAR HAR    Everyone cleaned up their coffee cups too.    PERFECT.   

Excellent job, everyone!    I'm giving gold stars to all of the BPD employees for keeping the department ship-shape.    Woohooooo!    

OKAY, BPD EMPLOYEES:     Feel free to join me for Working Wednesday!   You don't have to wait for an event or for anyone else to start working.   You can do it!   Why not show us what you are up to on the job?!?    Are you patrolling?    Giving tickets?    Investigating something?   Walking a beat?    Writing a report?    Bandaging a boo-boo?    Let's show Blogville what we're doing these days.

Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

April 18, 2015

Marathon Day

Hey Everyone!
Wow, the big event is finally here!    We've all been training like crazy and it's time for the Mayorz Marathon.

Head over to Murphy and Stanley's for all of the race day action.

I'm ready to run!

Stop by Madi's for all of the water stop action too!   The crabby girls are helping out.

Be sure to visit Frankie and Ernie for any needed pit stops!   BWAR HAR HAR

Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Runner

April 17, 2015

On The CritterCam

Hey Everyone!
Wow, I'm always so excited to see what shows up on my CritterCam!   Now, my Dad thinks this wonderful flashy beast belongs to him, but NOPE, it's really mine.  BOL     It hangs on my fence and takes pix of all of the beasts that enter my territory.   What a cool surveillance tool!    Here's what showed up recently.   (Please ignore the dates/ never gets those right!)

 Sasha will want this for her pizza truck!    YUM 

Smiling bandit!

 Oh, Deer!

Double Bunny Hoppers

What sort of critters invade your territory?!?
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

April 15, 2015

Working Wednesday...My Big Meeting

Hey Everyone!
Wow, I'm really excited about my schedule today!     See, as Blogville's Police Commissioner I get to occasionally meet with our Co-Mayorz Murphy and Stanley to bark about the status of things in the BPD.    They're such great community leaders and I always like chatting with them.

First things first, I'll leave these tasty treats here for Taffy and The Doods to enjoy later!     Forget Hallmark...these are MY calling cards!    BWAR HAR HAR

 Gotta show the Doods what a busy and effective department we have here.   I've been working my paws off to get the paperwork all ready for them.

Mr. Mayorz, here are the recent productivity reports from the Blogville P.D.     We've been working hard to keep crime down and serve the public.    Please accept these as my periodic reporting on our activities.   

They said they'd be reading these over and will give me feedback about the department.   I'm excited to hear what they have to say about things we're doing right and what we can do better.   These meetings are some of the bestest parts of my job!   

Gee, if they like what we're doing, I might ask for a raise for everyone or maybe a bigger donut allocation in the department budget.   BOL

I know lots of you are out there patrolling, writing tickets, helping little old peeps cross the street, running our emergency vehicles, investigating, training, etc, etc, etc.   Don't be afraid to jump in with your own posts about your work anytime the mood strikes you.   The more the merrier and we all like to see what the BPD is up to.  

Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish