
January 30, 2013

Winning Wednesday

Hey Everyone!
Wow, the other day my Dad went to see the Post Office peeps and came home with a box for me!   That's really not so unusual...I get lots of pressies from all of you, my Blogville furiends and family.  Butt, this package was totally AMAZING! 

Remember when Benny & Lily recently held a drawing for some goodies from Frosty Paws?!?  Sure you do!  Well, lucky me, I WON!   Oh, Benny & Lily, I owe you a big one for hosting this pawesome giveaway.  Here are the pix of my stash...

Hey, this box said SARGE!

Oh, gimme gimme gimme  gim-ME   gim-ME!

OMD check out this cool Frosty Paws stuffy.  Woohoooo!

Oooo I can practically taste the Frosty Paws already!  
Great coupons for free ice cream treats from Frosty Paws.  DELISH
I'll be sending my peeps to the store A S A P!

Look how fun this stuffy is for me.  
Right on my special play pad for inspection!

Thanks so much, my good furiends, Benny & Lily for the wonderful winnings!  You guys are way-cool!  I totally love the stuffy and I'll be munching on ice cream, oh so soon.

Grr and a Lucky Woof,
Sarge, COP

BTW:  I'm still working like a...well, like a dog for Blogville Sled Day!  We'll be all ready to hit the slopes so tune back in this coming Saturday 2-2-13 for all-day posts of the big event!

January 28, 2013

Crabby Monday...Our Circus Tent

Hello Blogville!
We crabby girls are very proud to announce that we are hosting a tent for the big upcoming
Blogville Circus!       Drumroll please, Sarge...


Yes, friends, we are planning a jaw-dropping Fureak Show Tent!  Bring your smelling salts and be prepared to be amazed.   Teeheehee.  OMC we're working our pinchers off to bring you the best shocks and surprises ever.   There's NO FEE to enter our tent and all you need to do is show up.  We'll do the rest.  The Circus is in town on 2-15 and 2-16-13.

BTW:  Sarge is busing working his tail off to get ready for Blogville Sled Day.  He has all of his swooshing furiends lined up already and everyone will be hitting the slopes right here this coming Saturday, 2-2-13.

Little Pinches,
Shelldon & Beachnut

January 26, 2013


Hey Everyone!
Wow, the time is flying by us!   TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO JOIN ME FOR BLOGVILLE SLED DAY!   You gotta get your pix and sled choice to me by midnight tonight in whatever part of the world you live in.  So far I have 54 furiends set to swoosh and whoosh with me.

Here are those details:

Leave a comment on my blog to say you’d like to join me. 
Send an email to me: lfurman1987ATyahooDOTCOM and include your
   picture, name, blog addy, and requested sled style.
Deadline to pawticipate is midnight on 1-26-13. 
I will work my snowmagic and send you back your finished sled pix.
Blogville Sled Day will be held on Saturday 2-2-13.   
 I will be posting about us all day long!

And…no Sarge Speaks Out event would be complete without a drawing.  That happens on 2-6-13.
And…as always in Blogville, all species are welcome!

I will have several styles of sled to choose from, including:
Old fashioned, high tech power, one-horse-open, plastic, wooden, built-for-two, toboggan, snow mobile, disk, snowboard, tube, cafeteria tray, komotik, luge, bobsled, and more.   Gosh, you can even choose to pull one instead of riding if you’d like!  BOL

Hope to see you on the slopes!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, SnowDog

January 25, 2013

Blogville Sled Day

Hey Everyone!
Wow, so far I have 45 furiends lined up to go swooshing and whooshing together for BLOGVILLE SLED DAY on 2-2-13!  Isn't that great!   There's still time to join the fun...details below:

Leave a comment on my blog to say you’d like to join me. 
Send an email to me: lfurman1987ATyahooDOTCOM and include your
      picture, name, blog addy, and requested sled style.
Deadline to pawticipate is midnight Saturday 1-26-13. 
I will work my snowmagic and send you the finished sled pix in case you do your own post.
Blogville Sled Day will be held on Saturday 2-2-13.   I will be posting about us all day long!

I have tons of sled options including:  old fashioned two-runner, disks, snowmobiles, luge, toboggans, snowboards, tubes, horse-drawn, etc.

And…no Sarge Speaks Out event would be complete without a drawing.  That happens on 2-6-13.
And…as always in Blogville, all species are welcome!

 Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

January 24, 2013

Blogville CIRCUS

Attention BLOGVILLE and surrounding Areas....
If you would like to Join ASTA in her House of Mirrors please send your PICTURE to
To enter Madi's Contortionists please email your pictures (no photoshopping) to
For entering Tuiren's Clowns email your pictures to
To have your Fortune Read by Molly the Wally ... leave a comment on her Blog at
Folks you will NOT want to delay.... the DEADLINE for all entries is February 1st.
Now, my crabby girls Shelldon and Beachnut are planning the FUREAK SHOW TENT!
This one is so easy, you won't believe it.   YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING! 
That's right, no pictures, no tickets, no nothin'.  Just show up on 2-15-13 and 2-16-13 right here at sargespeaksout to see the FUREAK SHOW TENT. 
Come ONE Come ALL!!
Come Short or Tall !!!
PLEASE send pictures to Join the FUN.
Everyone LOVES a House of MIRRORS the Ooooohing and AHhhhin over Contortionists and CLOWNs are a Circus MUST HAVE!!! Do you want to be ready for what 2013 will be bringing you??? Molly will lay out your fortune and you will KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT!!!
Also .... be SURE to have added the CIRCUS BLOG to your list of blogs that you Follow..
Here is the URL for you
PLEASE come Join All of US !!! It will be Easy and F U N !!! 
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Little Pinches,
Shelldon & Beachnut

January 23, 2013

Wordless Wednesday...Two Events

See 1-21-13 post for details.

See blogvillefun.blogspotdotcom for details.

Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

January 21, 2013

Blogville Circus

Attention BLOGVILLE and surrounding Areas....
THE CIRCUS is Coming to town.... Friday and Saturday February 15 and 16
YES... the BIG TOP is COMING....... with SIDE SHOWS GALORE.... PREPARE yourselves to be Dazzled and AMAZED and filled with LAUGHTER and fine FOODABLES.
You will need to get your TICKETS/FOLLOW this Blog... http://blogvillefundotblogspotdotcom.
You can get there NOW. BUT just to take a LOOK.... the circus won't actually ARRIVE there until 2/15/13
What will be IN the BIG TOP BLOG??? ($1.00 admission for each)
Dunking Tank...
House Of Mirrors
Kissing Booth
Carnival Games
and... a Fortune Teller
AND in the SIDE SHOWS you will find (TOTALLY FREE to All)
FUReak Show
Carnival Rides
and a Stuffie Tamer/Trainer act
COME Short and Come TALL
And the best PAWt... besides the FUN and Food... will be that you will be able to LEND a PAW to help some of our Beloved Furends... Admission to the BIG TOP events will have a very small Fee... and the FUNds Collected will be going to help Sallie Marie... and Turien... and Marg.
BUTT WAIT.... there IS More.... see we know that FUNds are not real easy to come by... and sooooo we are gonna give you totally FREE admission to All of the SIDE SHOW attractions... Just fur lending as much help as you can. It is gonna be the BIGGEST and BESTEST BARGAIN in all of Blogville's HISTORY...
Isn't that the most EXCITING Thing EVER??? Now we know you are wondering... WHO is putting all this ON??? Well folks here is the list of Cast and CREW... with blog addys for each...
BIG TOP CIRCUS BLOG Only EVENTS ( $1.00 Admission required)
House of Mirrors by ASTA http://astasworlddotblogspotdotcom
Contortionists by Mayor Madi http://downhomeinncdotblogspotdotcom
Carnival GAMES by Roo http://www.roosdoinsdotcom
Fortune Teller by Molly the Wally http://mollythewallycotblogspot.codotcom
SIDE SHOW Attraction Events... FREE for ALL....
FUReak Show by Beachnut and Shelldon 
Carnival RIDES by Sallie http://romancepuppydotblogspotdot
Stuffie Tamer by Frankie F. http://frankiefurterpricedotblogspotdotcom
MUSICAL Director - Sweet William the SCOT http://sweetwilliamthescotdotblogspotdotcom
Friday FEBRUARY 15th. and Saturday FEB. 16th.
DEADLINE NOTICE.... SOME... not all events will need for you to send a picture...or leave a special comment on the HOST's Own blog.... the individual hosts will let you know what is needed from YOU
Friday FEBRUARY 1st.
PeeS........ there will be MUCH MORE information coming your way.... in FUTURE ANNOUNCEMENTS.... There will be a Give AWAY and a BIG... MYSTERY to help solve..

Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

January 19, 2013

Sled Day Entries Begin

Hey Everyone!
Wow, today's the big day to start entering my upcoming Blogville Sled Day!  Here are the details:

Leave a comment on my blog to say you’d like to join me. 
Send an email to me: lfurman1987ATyahooDOTCOM and include your
   picture, name, blog addy,  and requested sled style.
Deadline to pawticipate is midnight on 1-26-13. 
I will work my snowmagic and send you back your finished sled pix in case you do your own post.
Blogville Sled Day will be held on Saturday 2-2-13.   I will post about our swooshing all day long!

And…no Sarge Speaks Out event would be complete without a drawing.  That happens on 2-6-13.
And…as always in Blogville, all species are welcome!

I will have several styles of sled to choose from, including:
Old fashioned, high tech power, one-horse-open, plastic, wooden, built-for-two, toboggan, snow mobile, disk, snowboard, tube, cafeteria tray, komotik, luge, bobsled, and more.   Gosh, you can even choose to pull one instead of riding if you’d like!  BOL  Just tell me what you want to ride when you send your emailed pix.

Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

January 18, 2013

My Peeps Down Under

Hey Everyone!
Wow, I'm so very upset with my Peeps!   They both left me all alone AAAALLLL day long yesterday.  Normally, my Mom goes to work, but Dad stays close home here with me so that he doesn't miss me too much.  BOL.    Well, yesterday they BOTH took off and were gone FUREVER and EVER and EVER.    Seriously, they were gone a long time.  It was AALL day.

When they finally showed back up here at home, I insniffigated them both and guess what?!?   They had gone all the way to AUSTRALIA!   That's right, my furiends.  No wonder they were gone so long.  It was all over their breath and here's the evidence...

They've been all the way Down Under to the Outback!
I'm a little miffed that they went this far without me, but there is one big advantage...they must have eaten good while they were gone, because I got one of those pawesome white styrofoam boxes full of yummers!   Do you ever get these after your peeps go out?!?  This one was full of steak bites.  YUM
 Let me tell you, I cleaned it up lickety-split!  It was lip-licking good too!

I asked them if they saw my good Ausie furiends Daisy, Bella, Roxy, Rubie, Stella, Rory and all of the others.  They seemed confused and just laughed at me.  Hmmmpf.  They acted like I don't know what's what. 
Hey, even the crabby girls got a snack!  I guess my peeps ate some seafood and brought Shelldon & Beachnut these little morsels for them to  chow down on.   Oh My Clawd the girls are happy!

So, I guess I'll forgive the peeps for leaving me alone since we got some good snacks out of it!  BOL

BTW:  Tune back in on Saturday for the big kick-off for signing up to join me for Blogville Sled Day!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

January 17, 2013

A Date for Ernie

Hey Everyone!
Wow, I'm so excited about the upcoming Valentine's Day Dance!   I sure hope my bestest girl Zona will be my date.

Speaking of dates::::  Frankie's little brother Ernie is looking for a date!   Click here on ERNIE to check out his post.   Girls, he's incredibly cute and will be a very fun escort for the big event.

Okay, girls....check out his cuteness!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

January 16, 2013

Wordless Wednesday...Stuffie Torture





Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Stuffie Deprived COP

January 15, 2013


Hey everyone!
Wow, I'm so very excited that so many of you are interested in joining me for Blogville Sled Day on 2-2-13!   We are going to have so much FUN FUN FUN swooshing and whooshing on the slopes.

Here are the details:

Starting Saturday 1-19-13, leave a comment on my blog to say you’d like to join me. 
Then send me an email…include a pix of yourself and any special request for your sledding style.
Deadline to pawticipate is midnight on 1-26-13. 
I will work my snowmagic and send you back your finished sled pix in case you do your own post.
Blogville Sled Day will be held on Saturday 2-2-13.   I will be posting about us all day long.

And…no Sarge Speaks Out event would be complete without a drawing!  
And…as always in Blogville, all species are welcome!

Grr and Woof,
Sarge, SnowDog

January 14, 2013

Crabby Monday...Our Stuff

Hello Blogville and toodle-oo to Turkle!

We crabby girls thought we'd take today's post to show you all of our fun stuff.  We get some cool things from The Hands that help make our crabitat perfect for our lives.   Check these out:

 First, here's our new climbing log!  Neat huh?!? 
We love bark (not that kind, Sarge teeheehee) and our claws are built for the climb. 

This is our water mister.  
This is really important to us and The Hands use it all the
time to keep our crabitat nice and steamy.  
Our two heaters and this mister keep our weather humid and tropical.

We have a ton of decorative shells that keep our area pretty
and they're fun to walk on and move around.

The Hands decorate our home with lots of rocks too.
Here are some of our black rocks and a fossil too!

We really like plants too.  We have dried moss that we dig in and burrow under. 
 That's in our crabitat with us right now.  
This is another of our plants that we sometimes play in.

Boy, this bottle is really really important to keep us healthy!
This is salt water especially mixed for crabby pets. 
We have to drink fresh water and some of this salt water too.  
Note the "CRABS" written on it and that rubber band around the top!!  That's 
there because one of The Hands grabbed this and drank a gulp by mistake once!
Teeheehee was he ever surprised!  He won't do that again! 

And last, but certainly not least, here is our stash of food.
Don't we all live for our yummy foodables?!?
So these bottles are from the pet crabby store and the tropical mix
is something The Hands got at the grocery store. 
It has all of our favorite fruits, all dried so we can have them anytime.
This is just part of our diet.
Most of the time, The Hands give us fresh fruit, veggies and nuts.

So, there you have it Blogville friends!  Not a bad bunch of loot for a couple of small crabby girls.  These things and a supply of empty shells for us to think about moving into, and we're all set!
Have a great week.

Little Pinches,
Shelldon and Beachnut