
January 10, 2015

Madi's BOX BASH...Post 1

Hey Everyone!
WELCOME ONE AND ALL to our celebration of Madi's term as Mayoress of Blogville.      

I'm absolutely over-the-moon thrilled to see so many of you on the guest list and here today to honor Madi and have some wonderful fun together.     There will be FIVE posts spread throughout the day so that we all can greet and mingle with each other.     AND be sure to visit CHEF SASHA for the foodables and BARMAID RUBY for all of the drinkies and PLAYER ERNIE for all of the party games.   Don't miss any part of the fun today.   

First to arrive is Madi's special honored guest, her beau RAZ!

He made sure to be first in to concatulate Madi and greet her!

And here come the other Box Bashers!      Everyone remember you must give Madi a box to get in the door!    BOL/MOL

Abby the, she's starting us off by giving Madi TWO boxes!   Excellent!

Amber      She has a box that's full of sofness and Weenieness!  

 Astrid        Wow, what a gorgeous furiend!

Bella and Dui       Their box is pawsonalized just for Madi.   Perfect!   

Bertie     Oh, a pretty heart-shaped box!    Madi is sure to love that one, Bertie.

Bilbo with Sasha        Looks like these two are wasting no time!   They've started alread!

Braeden, Riley and Seth         Hey, pizza boxes are a great gift for Madi!   Hope there is some crust left in there.

 Buddy         That's a purrfect cardboard box for Madi.   She'll want to climb on there too!

Casey       Hey, that's a real Boxer for our Box Bash!   BOL/MOL

Cinderella        Those boxes are even red, which is Madi's favorite color.   She'll love these!

Charlie          Holy cow, he looks like a real party animal!   Love those colors.

Chef Sasha      Nothing could make Madi happier than to receive a nice box, complete with her very own Sasha furiend!   

Da Tabbies O Trout Towne        Now that's the right idea...a box filled with cat foodables!

Daisy        Wow, those boxes are so very sweet!    Madi will be thinking of Spring.

Dezi and Lexi       Oh, I'm sure she'll like da box...especially with both of you inside!

Dory, Jakey and Arty        Boy, I hope there are some delish Chewy foodables down in that box too!   BWAR HAR HAR

AND:   As your host for today's party, I have arranged for a JUMBOTRON to keep the crowd hopping and add some extra excitement to our event.

While our first round of party-goers mingle and visit with Madi, the JUMBOTRON is busy entertaining the crowd:::  TURN UP THOSE SPEAKERS and CLICK ON THE VIDEO BELOW:::

Pink Panther
by Henry Mancini

We're just getting started!   Stop back later for the next group of Box Bash Guests!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Bash Host


MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow, these are all fantastic boxes and faces and i know there will be more since you had so many pawtyiers

My Mind's Eye said...

SHOUTING SARGE CLAPPING WILDLY AT HOW VERY MUCH FUN I HAVE ALREADY HAD AND IT HAS JUST STARTED, to each and every attendee on this segment. You totally nailed each and every box they all describe a particular box fetish I am prod to say is me! From red, to chalk etchings, to foodables to vivid colors which I love. You are all very sweet and creative. I thank sarge for hosting and each of you for coming!
Madi your BFFF
Ps love pink panther!

Lovable Lily said...

What a great Box Bash Sarge!

Lily Belle & Muffin

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

What a fun thing to do, and everyone's boxes are incredible.

Marg said...

Those are some mighty fine boxes for Madi. They should keep Madi happy for a very long time. So many different ones. Good stuff. Have a great day.

easyweimaraner said...

Oh what great Boxers! Ad they all came to honor the best Diva of Blogville evah! Charlie, that's the trend on the next fashion week, I'm sure!

Unknown said...

Can't join you for your box bash today Madi but great to see everyone.
Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD OMD OMC OMCCCcccccccccccc

We see KITTIES EVERYWHERE... We knew there were like 87 Bazillion of them around Blogville... butt we could never get them all OUT.... Until NOW...
WOW the CROWD... and the BOXES... OMC OMC so many Different Boxes... I hope that Madi made arrangements to get them all HOME with her...

WE think she may need a.....

BOX TRUCK to haul them in.

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL MOL F&E a box truck....
Hugs Madi the Box-her Cat

Marty the Manx said...

Yeah oh yeah! Great start to the box party Sarge!!!!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
MADI MADI MADI .... oi oi oi.... oh this is already a bountiful bash - thank you soooooo much Sarge (and helpers) for organising this fabby farewell; I'll be back for more soon. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

The Florida Furkids said...

Raz is so pleased that he could start off Madi's Box Bash!! What great boxes!!!

The Florida Furkids

Braeden and Seth said...

Great party, Sarge! We are so glad we made it to the party! Such a fun way to celebrate Madi and the great work she did as Mayoress! We know she will have fond memories of today!

Braeden, Seth and Riley

Little Miss Titch said...

This is Great Sarge,glad you didn't get your hooter stuck in my Castle box,now where are the foodables,xx Speedy

da tabbies o trout towne said...

manee thanx N bizcutz two ewe sarge for hostin thiz way awesum partee for R way awesum pal madi...we had ta steel a cell ewe lar dee vuze two get heer two day ta leevez a commint but dinna wanna leeve with out sayin everee one looks grate, we noe madi iz lovin thiz ee vent, we loves ewe madi.....N peace out...rock on...long live ............ "slate"!!!!!
way kewl~~~~~xxxxxxxxxxx

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Great PArty Sarge!! We just love seeing all the different boxes!!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Murphy said...

Proof that a box is never just a box!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

What a great turnout!

Anonymous said...

Hav a wunnewful day Madi and enjoy all da boxes yous got. Fanks fur hostin' such a gweat pawty Sarge.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

Kinley Westie said...

I just wanna know if dere's any pizza left in dem pizza boxes. I could help clean dem up for Madi.

katsrus said...

Those are some great boxes.. What a fun pawty.
Sue B

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

So many great boxes! Sampson says he especially likes the photo of Astrid, his girlfriend! Hope Madi has fun with all her boxes!

Millie and Walter said...

What a great set of boxes to start the party off.

Timmy Tomcat said...

Yo Sarger and Prinsess Madi's. Yoo two really gottin dis palace jumpin to da beatz and gud fur da feetz ta dancin! Great grubz n drinkerz tooz.
Madi dere izza nice nip blankie in mah box prezzie fur ya to curl on now dat it colderz.
Ah, sorrys you notta sirz.
Yep Yep
Yer Buddy
Buddy Budd

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey ...... what a turnout!!!! All those kitties .... hope their daggers are all under control.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

What a Terrific pawty. Sorry I's late. Sissy had anudder emergency today and Mom and Dad were gone all day long...and I was deserted...and my teenie weenie paws couldn't reach da puter. Butt...I's here now.

Let's Pawty!