
February 14, 2014

Queen of Hearts Event...Crabby Girls Date

Hello, Darlings!   We crabby girls are all agog about our dear friend, Madi's amazing Queen of Hearts event.   She has coordinated a splendid party complete with music, food, drinks, dancing, gardens, games, love messages, and more.   We salute you, Madi, darling, for hosting the event of the season.   CHEERS TO YOU!!

Please don't forget to check out Sarge's post from this morning.   He's off on his date with Nola and they'll be joining everyone a little later on at the dance.

Well, we are so excited to announce that we will be escorted to the dance by our dashing beau, Coccolino!   He is the most amazing date.

Beachnut, look at the Hall!   It's so festive and fun!
Oh, I definitely agree, Oceana, and everything is so magical, right Shelldon?
Yes, ladies, I agree and our Coccolino looks most handsome.

 We spent a good amount of time checking out the amazing culinary delicacies!  Lovely Sasha has arranged for amazing edibles.  

 The formal event was most wonderful!    We crabby girls enjoyed every minute of our time with Coccolino.       Now it's almost time for the dance to get started!    Oooooh, we're so very excited about the dance.   We love to kick up our long and lovely leggies and hit the floor with our date!  

The highlight of the whole dance was doing the Conga Line!!    Teeheehee our sweet Coccolino let us hitch a ride on his outrageously fun tail.    We pinched on and joined claws and away we went!   WHEEEEEEEEE     DaDaDaDa DA DAAA    DaDaDaDa DA DAAAA    Swirl us around some more Coccolino dear!!!    We love it when he whips us around!   Teeheehee.    One more time around the floor...everyone join in!

Goodness, we had such a fabulous time!    Thank you to our dashing Coccolino for being such a sweet and thoughtful date.   Thank you to Sarge for our beautiful flowers.   Thank you, again, to Madi for coordinating a time to remember!

Don't forget to stop back in a few hours to see Sarge and Nola on the second phase of their big date together!

Ciao and Little Pinches,
Beachnut, Oceana, Shelldon
B.O.S. Girls


Unknown said...

We laughed at Cocco and The Crabby girls doing the Conga. Pawsome it was. Happy Valentine's Day to you Sarge and all your loved ones. Have a fabulous day.
Best wishes Molly

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We nearly missed this post. That would have been a disaster. Don't let BOS and C eat all those cakes. We want some, too. We're just too full at the moment.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Elgor82 said...

You sure know how to have fun ... BOL!

Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wheeeeee.. loooooovvvvveeee it... me thinks your cocolino might be a PIG... MOL BOL LOL... this is just to funny for words...

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

What a pawsome date! We want to join the conga!

Idaho PugRanch said...


Frank The Tank said...

Hi Crabby Girls, I love the Conga line, its so much fun, it looks like you all are having a wonderful time on the dancefloor, Coccolino is enjoying every moment, did I see him sniffing out some truffles for you girls? I know I saw you holding claws too! What a wonderful Valentine's day! Love and licks from your Furiend Frank XxxxX

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL MOL MOL darlings.....bravo to you 3 and Cocco he has his piggy hooves full w you 3 daning queens! Cona line who wold have ever imagined. Crabby girls and a pig. Previous
Madi your bfff

Sweet William The Scot said...

You three girls are really cutting the rug with Cocco.
I can feel the romance static in the air. Happy Valentine's Day to you girls, Sarge and Lori.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Katie said...

I'm still recovering, what a date this was. Thank you so much for being the best dates I could ask for and for filling me up with love (and food). Happy Valentine's Day, sweet girls, I can't wait for the next. Hugs to you - and big piggy kisses too.

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Love the conga line photo. Glad u are all enjoying the dance.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OH DARLINGS..... we went WILD when we saw that AMAZING CONGA line forming... we couldn't WAIT to rush over and join in... We think it was a BLAST..
OMD Coccolino gave you girrrrls some superb VALENTINE's GOODIES... and OMP OMC what he SAID about the FOUR of you... WHOOOOOOOIE... GO FUR IT... GO FUR IT fur SURE.
PINCH HOLD and PINCH TIGHT. Don't let that pig get outta your Pinchers.... HE is a KEEPER ♥.

Anonymous said...

OH, so glad you are having a blast, this is truly a fun Ball, Happy Valentines Day to the Crabby Girls!

The Mad Scots

Ziggy Stardust said...

You all look so nice together! This is so much fun. I hope you are all enjoying the food, come back for seconds

Loveys Sasha

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

You guys look like you're having a blast!

Hap-Pee Hearts Day!

Two French Bulldogs said...

What a blast!!

Little Miss Titch said...

you looked like you had a blast girls,xx SPeedy

Taffy said...

That conga line is hilarious! I'm glad the crabby girls had a great date too!

Daisy said...

I saw the conga line and thought you all looked like you were having a blast! It was so fun to see you and share some of Sasha's tasty food!