
February 14, 2014

Queen of Hearts Dance....Date with Nola 2

Hey Everyone!
Wow, this is a most magical day!    Our Marvelous Mayoress Madi has coordinated a wonderful day for us all.   It's time for the Queen of Hearts Dance!

After spending a fun day on the slopes with my date, Nola, it's time to change into our formal wear and join the rest of Blogville at the QofH event.   (If you missed our earlier adventure, click back to my earlier post!)

So, I started the evening by giving my gal Nola a special Valentine's Day Card:

Perfect for a lovely lady, from her Police Commissioner fellow.
(My thanks to my good furiend Wyatt, for finding this for me!)

OMD check out my gorgeous date and her lovely gown!     WOWOWOWOW she's beautiful!    I gave her a pretty magnolia blossom corsage to wear tonight.    I thought that would be nice for a pretty Southern Belle.    Wow,  the hall is decorated so nicely and everyone is having a great time.   It's so festive!

 The foodables are delicious and we enjoyed a nice meal and some astounding desserts.

There are so many beautiful party rooms and we mingled with lots of furiends.

The cocktails were really fancy and tasted great!   We enjoyed visiting the bar and tasting the creative drinks.   Perfect for loosening up and spending some great time together.

 Madi really made sure that all of the banquet rooms are beautiful and fun for everyone!

We got a few formal pictures taken as keepsakes.   I'll definitely remember our time together at this event.

OMD, we're so's time for the Dance!!  
We're going to change into something more comfortable so we can hit the dance floor with gusto.  BOL

I'm such a lucky guy!    Nola is a supreme dancer.   She can definitely move on the floor and I'm having a blast with her.   We're wearing matching turquoise bandanas that compliment the gorgeous evening gown she had on earlier.   WOW!

The music is amazing!     Rockin' Wills and Bad Dawg Agency have kept everyone entertained all night long.    Nola is a great dance partner.

Well, unfortunately, the evening had to finally come to an end.    I had a wonderful time with my date and with all of our furiends.     

Nola, here is a special bouquet of roses especially for you, and I'll end our evening with a sweet little kiss.   Thanks for being such a wonderful lady.

Thanks, also, to Madi and all of her event hosts!   What an amazing day!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Valentine Date


Frank The Tank said...

Happy Valentine's Day! Sarge you look super handsome in your tux and Nola looking so pretty, such a beautiful dress, what a wonderful night, great dance moves, you must have had an amazing time together, you look like a great couple, looks like you had fun! Love and Licks from your Furiend Frank XxxxX

My Mind's Eye said...




Anonymous said...

Well, it sure looks like two are having a great time, don't forget the after party. Top Floor of the Blogville hotel, we gots the whole floor an presidential suite reserved and hoping the BDA band can make it.

Happy Valentines Day Commissioner Sarge!

The Mad Scots

Idaho PugRanch said...

Wow Sarge, you've got some great dance moves!!!
So glad we got to have a dance together
Sweet Greta
Bailey & Hazel too

Sagira said...

Wow, check out those moves! you make a great couple. Happy valentine's day.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD OMD OMD SARGE what a HAWT Date you are having with Nola..
You two look MAHVELOUS... Love that you shed the FANCY CLOTHES in order to GET DOWN on the DANCE FLOOR.
You are QUITE a Dancer and you made Nola look SUPERB on the Floor.
What a FINE FINE TIME this is... SO much FOOD and Music and FURENDS.
Enjoy your evening... and be sure to get Nola home before it is TOO late... don't want her getting GROUNDED . Just Sayin.

Dachshund Nola said...

Oh Sarge, I had such a wondefur time with you! You're such a sweet gentlemen, and I feel like I'm floating I'm so happy. Kisses!


♥ Sallie said...

The party is getting crazy now!

Happy V-Day Everyone!


Ziggy Stardust said...

This incredible! I want to keep dancing. Thank you for the dance Sarge, you are an excellent dance. Oh no I see squirrels, I have to call in Bites. See you later.Loveys Sasha

Maggie Mae and Max said...


You and Nola ROCKED da dance tonight!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

Ruby said...

OMD, You guys look so FABulous Sarge!!! I saw some of your date over at Nola's and I have to say, you guys look just AMAZIN'!!!
And, Sarge, I had no idea you had so many dance moves dude!!! Wowsa!! You know what? You should go on America's Got Talent!!! BOL
Anyhu, Bravo!!
Now, let's all gets some drinkies!!!
Ruby ♥

Ruby said...

OMD, You guys look so FABulous Sarge!!! I saw some of your date over at Nola's and I have to say, you guys look just AMAZIN'!!!
And, Sarge, I had no idea you had so many dance moves dude!!! Wowsa!! You know what? You should go on America's Got Talent!!! BOL
Anyhu, Bravo!!
Now, let's all gets some drinkies!!!
Ruby ♥

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

You guys do make a very nice looking couple!

Sage said...

Dance the night away, Sarge!!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Happy Valentine’s Day

GOOSE said...

WOW Sarge you and your gal sure look wonderful together. And boy oh boy brother can you dance.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

You two TORE up that dance floor!!!

It WAS a fantastic Valentine's Day, wasn't it??!!

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Unknown said...

OMD Sarge you look so handsome and you and Nola make a stunning couple. Wow you are both popping some cool moves there. Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a great time! Much love, The Scottie Mom.

Little Miss Titch said...

Looks like you both had a really good time,happy valentines day,xx Speedy

Murphy said...

Wow! That was quite a date! You make a lovely couple! Yes, Madi pulled out all the stops in this one! We are still exhausted!

Your Pals,

Murphy and Stanley

MadSnapper n Beau said...

OMD I missed part two yesterday and i want you to know i have submitted both of you to MTV for dancing on one of the shows... these are some very cool dance mooves.

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

What a wonderful time we had yesterday. We were wined and dines and danced all night.
We've been napping all day and now it's time to check everybody's blogs. Glad you liked the Smilebox.

♥♥♥Mona & Prissy

SquirrelQueen said...

Sarge, you and Nola were a lovely couple. But you really surprised us when you started break dancing. It was great.

Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

You are the king of the date Sarge. Maybe you should set up a service to teach others to date!

Anonymous said...

Whoa! You two look good! Heard it was the event of the season!

Taffy said...

I have never seen two pups cut a rug like the two of you! It was a wonderful evening for sure.

Daisy said...

I was in awe of all your dance moves. You two sure know how to step it up! Thank you so much for my daisy corsage. I am so happy I got to go to the dance!