Wow, I'm so super proud of my Dad! Yesterday he (stop reading here if you are squeemish!)
shot an EIGHT POINT BUCK! Woohooooo! He did it with a bow and arrow which is the really challenging and primitive way to do it. Very natural! I know lots of us are animal lovers, and my peeps are too, but this is the bestest meat you can feed your family (and your pooch!!). Super lean and all natural fur sure. Anyway, in my pack, this is a fabo thing. An 8 point whitetail deer is really nice sized. So, here are a few pix...the least yucky ones I could include (stop reading here if you are squeemish! REALLY!)
BTW: These deer are nowhere near the endangered species list around here.
First cousin to a Woolly Mammoth!! BOL
Anyway, there you go. I got lots of delish bits of fresh meat and A GREAT BIG SET OF ANTLERS TO GNAW ON! Can anyone say "SCORE!!" BWAR HAR HAR. I just had to brag about my Dad.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Great Catch, Dad! We know that we have an over abundance of them deer in our area as well. We agree your Dad is pretty awesome to get such a great deer with one of them bow/arrow things, that takes some special talent for sure. We are not deer hunters and not big fans of deer meat. Mom had her first taste last year, she said it was good but that was before they told her what she was eating. BOL. We have been trying to get some deer antlers for us to chew on. We are trying to get some from our local meat market that does all the deer in town. We hope to be able try this delish treat soon. Sniffs, The HoundDogs
Sarge! That is an awesome accomplishment!! Enjoy!! You guys are set for the winter :-)
-Bart and Ruby
Good job dad!! Good meat and antlers fur you~~life doesnt get much better than that!! bol
JAzzi and Addy
SCORE!! What time do we come for dinner? I am requesting a big pot of chili!
{sniff sniff...Bambi???}
your father killed Bambi's Daddy! ::Sniffles::
A very sad,
Coco Bean
SCORE fur SURE. THAT is grrrrreat and YOU get Samples and ANTLERS BOTH!!! GOOD JOB... fur all three of you!!!
BESTEST FOOD in the WORLD... I am hopin MY dad can get another one... so ERNIE can have his furst FRESH TASTE.
Enjoy the antlers??
Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack
Hi Sarge, we are glad you eat everything on the deer. Mr Frankie told us about hunting in one of his posts. Enjoy your antlers. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
Oh deer...
Benny & Lily
Wow! That's super pawsome, Sarge! Guess what? My dad got us a deer the other day, too! Only it didn't have antlers (darn!) cuz he just got a "dough" tag, whatever that means. And he shot it with a bullet, not a bow and arrow. But it'll still be good eating anyways.
Congratulations to your dad, the mighty hunter!
Wiggles & Wags,
Must be great....livin' in the woods an all. I'd love to help you nom down those burgers....hmmmm!
Tail Wuggles, Rubie
Eight point antlers....you'll be chewing on those for a looooonnnnggg time!
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Bet your dad was SO excited about that. Way to go!
IMPRESSIVE! I'll be showing this post to my papa for sure! Umm.. so... will he let you eat those antlers? My dad wants to save them when he FINALLY gets one. Someday! So mom has to buy our antler treats. BOL
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