
February 21, 2018

We Lost Our Sarge

Hello, Blogville Furiends.
We're so saddened with heavy hearts to announce that our Sarge has crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

He passed quietly in his sleep, and we are stunned.  We had no indication that he was having any health problems.  He was just a few weeks shy of 12 years old.  

He had a ginormous personality.   Full of quirks and fun and love.   He had his issues, but was the light of our lives.   We are heartbroken and shocked.   

Thank you all so much for sharing your lives with Sarge and joining him here for all of his antics.  Here are a few photos of our favorite memories.

Much love to all.
Sarge's Staff


TimberLove said...

Godspeed my furry friend, peace to those that loved you,

Nuk & family

Idaho PugRanch said...

Dear Lori, we are heartbroken to see the sad news about Sarge. We know there was a naughty little pug waiting at the bridge to welcome him. Greta always had a special place in her heart for Sarge.
Sending you lots of pug hugs and prayers
Hazel, Mabel and Mom Linda

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Our Hearts are hurting somethingy FIERCE. We will MISS YOU CUSSIN SARGE...UNTIL we meet again. Your Cussins... Frankie and Ernie and your Mamaw and Papaw Pantslegs.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
OMD... all this time no hear, and now this? My dears, my heart breaks for you. Am wiping tears. They cannot equal your own, I know, but nonetheless heartfelt for all that. Sending Love to you... and angel Sarge? You run free and easy in the Rainbow world! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

When we saw a post from Sarge, we were so excited. Now we have heavy hearts and much sadness for all of your family, from your Mom and Dad to Frankie and Ernie and Ma and Pa too. Words fail us, but we know that Sarge will be taking over as the head of Police over the Rainbow Bridge. Soft woos and gentle hugs to all of you from us.

Hugs and Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber, and Mom too

Murphy said...

We are so very sorry and know your hearts ache. What a shock. Hugs to all the hoomans.

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley & Mom & Dad

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello evrybuddy its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am verry sorry to heer that sarge had to go away and so unekspektedly!!! run free sarge!!! i just no that yoo wil be teeming up with my sister the beautiful trixie to patrol the rainbo bridj for eevil perpetraytors but do not forgit to vizzit tuckers everlasting rainbo bridj buffay!!! i am sending you all lots of vizsla tail wags and the hipster kitties send purrs!!! ok bye

Lovable Lily said...

Oh my we are shocked. We are so very sorry to hear about our much loved furend Sarge. We share in the pain you are feeling right now. (We didn't know Lily Belle was sick either!) Sending you lot's of hugs and love at this difficult time. We are here for you if you need to talk.

Kim & Muffin

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, Lori, we are heartbroken for you. We were so happy to meet Sarge's cousin those years ago and learn he was as "crazy" as they are but in his own way. We enjoyed his posts and interviewed him for our blog - not once but twice over the years. We will miss him. Sending hugs of comfort!

Jan & FF

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are so very sorry to hear about dear Sarge and we send love and hugs to you. The great Legend of Sarge will live in the heart of many forever.

LBJ said...

My Mom is sitting here with tears flowing. We both just loved our friendship with Sarge and his family and extended family. That it was sudden is even harder to bear. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Abby Lab and the Johnso

Duke said...

We are so sorry to read this. Our hearts are breaking in two. Godspeed Sarge♥

ZOOLATRY said...

Oh, super Sarge ... how sad we are to hear you crossed your Rainbow Bridge and have broken the hearts of many. Yet you must have known there was something special waiting for you on the other side ... something you were ready for! May you now forever run free, a little piece of love from all of us here on earth has gone with you ...
to your family our prayers, our gentle woofs. It is they who are missing you the most.
Forever ... friend.
Ann, Dougie Dog and Zoey from Zoolatry

Millie and Walter said...

We are so sorry to hear about Sarge passing over the Rainbow Bridge. Millie has fond memories of their Halloween date a few years ago. We are sending warm hugs and POTP to all of Sarge's family. We know Frankie, Ernie and the Crabby Gals are very sad to have lost such a great friend. Our hearts go out to Sarge's Mom and Dad and his Mamaw and Papaw Pantslegs too.

Milton and Mr. Stubbs said...

We are so sorry that Sarge has crossed the bridge. He was one of a kind and will be missed. 🐾

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We are so saddened by the news. We remember Sarge and his sticks...and the river....
We know how heartbreaking it is for you, but we can only send hugs....

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Run free Sarge, we know Dory and Bilbo along with so many others are there to welcome you, but you will be missed so very much here in Blogville.
Hugs and Love,
Jakey, Arty, Rosy, Beth and Ed

My Mind's Eye said...

Dear LORI and Stan...
We are so very sorry to read about Sarge's unexpected passing. Bless his sweet heart and y'all for loving him so very much.
With love and purrs to you all
Cecilia Bryan and Madi

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

We are shocked. There is a big hole in all our hearts that he is gone. Hugs to u and the Crabby Girls.

GOOSE said...

Lori, My heart is so heavy for your lose. I have for years enjoyed Sarges antics. And even though Buddy and I have not commented in a while we did stop by regularly to see what was happening. Sending you love and prayers.
Buddy and Michelle

Kinley Westie said...

We're so sorry for your loss. Sending big hugs and westie kisses.

Wyatt said...

We are so sorry to hear about Sarge. He was so loved and cherished. We could not have asked for a better dog in charge.♥
RIP buddy,
Wyatt and Tegan

kristin avery said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Daily Pip said...

I am so very sorry to hear about Sarge! I have so many fond memories of all the adventures Sarge and Pip had together in years past. Ruby also remembers that Sarge took her to her very first Blogville dance. My heart is heavy and I'm sending you tons of hugs.

Run free, Sarge. Give our best to Angel Pip.

Liz Hamblyn said...

We three are very sad to learn of Sarge's passing over the the Rainbow bridge. Sarge was one of the first blogs we ever read. Our doggy thoughts are with you. Love the three bestest maremmas in all the land. Jasper, Nellie and Itai and mum.

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Oh Sarge, we r all so furry much sorry u haf gone over the Rainbow Bridge. We wuz so hopin'u wood come bak to Blogville butt not to let us all know'bout this. We hope u will catch up with our Angel Shiloh an'u both can go chasin'thoze wabbitz through the meadowz up there. Butt r'member - just haf fun chasin'an'no hurtin'em so u can chase'em anuther day. Let your mom an'dad know how sad an'sorry we all r fer your leavin. We know u didn't want to butt sumtimez stuff just happenz an'we can't stop it. Angel Shiloh taught us all that real good.
Run free an'play like the puppy u once wuz dear Sarge
Prayers and peace to your mom and dad.
Lady Shasta'n Miss Maizir and mom Kim

How Sam Sees It said...

Sending lots of love. We are so sorry.

Monty, Harlow, and Ramble

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Oh dear mates. We are so sorry to hear Sarge has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. We loved him from afar. We can only send you our love and gentle hugs. We will keep you in our hearts.
No worries, and LOVE, Stella and Carol xx

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

I am so terribly sorry to read this. I know you must be in complete shock at the lost of your beautiful boy. He was a tremendous dog. I send you many prayers to help you get through your grief. Keep believing you will see his smiling face again

Unknown said...

We cannot believe this news. We are so, SO sorry for the loss of dear Sarge. He was an amazing friend, a true character and a loving companion. We haven't been around in some time (we know!!! it has been terrierible being without Blogville) but to hear about Sarge...a Blogville without Sarge is just unimaginable. We send you lots of loving thoughts, big hugs, and strong prayers. We hope you find peace in all the wonderful memories Sarge has brought to you and so many others.
We love you all! We know Sarge is waiting at the Bridge, ready to guide you when you meet again. *tears*
Oz and Ma

M. K. Clinton said...

I just saw this on Blogville Facebook and am so very sorry. There are no words to ease your sadness but know that we are sending our deepest thoughts and prayers to your family and F & E's family. We love you all.

Charliedownunder said...

Oh no .... not Sarge!!!! Crikey ..... we are so sorry to hear this. Mum and I send our heartfelt sympathy to you all. What a shock! We cannot even begin to think of the despair you are feeling. Dear Sarge ..... one of a kind. He will be sadly missed by everyone. Run free, mate. Hugs and sloppy whippey kisses from down under heading your way.

Ruby said...

Oh crap. I am so, so very sorry to hear abouts our pal. I don't have the words. Just knows we are here for you and are thinkin' of all of you and sendin' lots of {{{hugs}}} and slobbery kisses and AireZens.
I learned so much from Sarge ~ mostly not to drink margaritas and gets on a Segway. Impawtent stuffs. Sarge will be missed by all that knew him, and all that just loved reading abouts him. I knows that there is one helluva pawty goin' on over the Bridge tonights....
I am so sorry abouts your loss, and we are thinkin' of you guys always.
We miss you.
Ruby ♥♥♥

WFT Nobby said...

Oh no, this is such sad news. What a terrible shock for you. But thank you for sharing Sarge's life and personality with us. He will be remembered with such fondness around the world.
Sending love and hugs from Scotland.
Gail and Bertie.

easyweimaraner said...

we can not find the words to say how terrible sorry we are... hugs to you and potp ... he has a place in our hearts forever and ever...and ever...

Mara said...

Oh no, so sorry for your loss! I feel for you.

Lots of love and hugs and purrs from Miss Oswin, Brom, Mouse and me.

Julie said...

Oh no! I am more sorry that I can say...Bossman Sarge was such a idol of mine.
I am soooo very very sorry for you and am sending lots and lots of luffs and hugs
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Anonymous said...

We are just heartbroken - Sarge was such a huge and special presence in Blogville - protector of all, friend to all, and who can EVER forget that ever-present smile? We send you hugs of comfort - we are sure our Angel Sammy was one of the first to welcome him to the Bridge.....we know your hearts hurt but sweet Sarge will forever be your guardian angel..........

Love, Pam and Teddy

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Dear Sarge's Staff,

A piece of our hearts broke this morning when we read this.

There is a blessing to going peacefully in your sleep. Our angel Baggy did the same and I have always said, may I be so lucky. But this doesn't make it easier.

We will remember all the good times we shared as we join you in your sorrow today.

Lee, Phod, Lady and Man

My GBGV Life said...

We are so sorry for your loss. While we weren't regular friends, we did love Sarge when we did stop by for visits or saw him around Blogville. He always made us smile GBGV hugs to your family in this difficult time.

Anonymous said...

Oh, how sad we all are about Sarge. But how kind of nature to have him go on his way in his sleep. No pain. Except that that remains with us in our sorrow.

Peaches and Paprika said...

We did not know about Sarge but he looks like a wonderful dog, imaginative and always smiling. this must be a huge loss and we want to extend our condolences!

CATachresis said...

Although we didn’t know Sarge, we knew of him and that he was very much loved around the blogosphere. We send our deepest condolences on your loss and soft purrs and hugs, Austin and Mum ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Marg said...

We are so so sorry to hear about Sarge. It is so much harder when they die all of a sudden like that. Just know, Sarge was such a lucky boy to have had such a good family to live with and have such a good life. We sure send many hugs to everyone.

Mayzie said...

Oh, Sarge. We were so surprised and sad to hear this. We haven't been around Blogville in a long time but you were always one of our best furiends. We so loved your funny, happy, silly paw-sonality. You were so, so loved by everyone...most of all your humans. Our hearts are breaking for them and we're sending them lots of love during this very sad time. Run free over the Bridge, Sarge.

Gentle wiggles and wags,
Mayzie, Brudder Ranger, Smudge, Abby and MayzieMom

Amy, Xena and Lucy said...

I am so terribly sorry you lost your precious Sarge, and without any warning. I know he was well-loved.

Erin the Cat Princess said...

There are no words to express adequately your loss. Sarge was a much loved friend and family member and long may the good memories bring joy to your heart. He will be there with in the days and months and years to come, so will never really have left you, just moved to another level.
Sending you gentle purrs and love

Monkeywrangler said...

Very sorry to learn of Sarge's untimely passing. May you all find comfort in your loving memories of his life with you.

Sweet William The Scot said...

May the blessing of light be on you Sarge
May the ground rest easy over you as you lie under it.
May it rest so lightly over you that your soul may be out from under it quickly; up and off and on its way to God. I shall miss you dearly Sarge. Lori I am sorry for your loss and pray you can find comfort in knowing so many care.
Sweet William The Scot & Lee

Linda said...

Oh No, sweet, gentle, Sarge.
We have missed you here in Blogville and now the
heartbreaking news.
So sorry.
Our thoughts are with you.
Run Free Sweet Dreams Mr Sarge.
xo Astro

stellaroselong said...

Sarge will always tell the laughing joke about how Stella Rose's momma actually thought his mom was making wonderful backpacks for everyone to take to school. I always believe when we lose someone we love so much then their lessons they were sent to us have all been taught. We know your hearts are hurting, and we know Sarge will be met by a multitude of friends standing on the bridge. All our love stella rose, Maggie mae, Gussie and momma

Matilda the Boxer said...

We are so devastated this morning. Sarge was something very special, and we'll never furget him.

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Wee is heartbroke fur all ovs yoo, Sarge wos such a hooj part ov Blogville, always reddy wivs a joke n a laff, always reddy to pawty hearty wivs all ovs us. Keepin is blogvillians on da strait & narrow as a officer ovs da law yet still wivs a heart as bigs as a housey. Hims will bee much missed butts NEVA forggeteds.
Run Free Deer Furiend Wee Lovs Yoo.
Uji, Izzy, Ziggy, Missi, Hiro, Da Momster & Da Popster

Sharon and Camille said...

So sorry to read about Sarge, I’ve loved his antics! His move from the mountains to live near Frank and Ernie. RIP Dear Sarge.

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

We are so sorry to learn of Sarge's departure over the Rainbow Bridge, and send many gentle purrs, purrayers and hugs...

Basil & Co xox

Tails Around the Ranch said...

I'm so sorry we didn't get a chance to get to know dear Sarge. Sending oodles of poodles of thoughts and hope the tender memories of your sweet boy provide you with some comfort.

rottrover said...

Dear staff ~ we are so sorry for your loss - and so sudden! Know that Sarge is in great company at the Bridge and that he will be watching over you always.

-Otto and Osa and their mom

Mary Ann said...

I am so very sorry for your loss of this huge personality baby! RIP, Angel Sarge.

C.L.W.STEP said...

We loved Sarge! We're going to miss him a lot! Sending lots of POTP and hugs to his family and the Crabby Girls too.

Lin said...

Oh, this is heartbreaking news!! I am so very sorry! Sarge was such a good dog friend and we will all miss him very, very much. I know how sad you must be and how hard it is....but know that we all loved Sarge very much and miss him too. Sending you love and hugs to get through this very sad time. :(

Sheltie Times said...

Run free and easy over the Rainbow Bridge dear Sarge. You have served your family with love and loyalty. Prayers for your family as you leave a big hole behind. May they find comfort and strength in those memories as they grieve.

Little Miss Titch said...

This is a sad time for Blogville,Sarge will be missed by all of us.Much love is winging its way to you all.Run free Sarge till we see you again,xxx Speedy and Mum Rachel

NanaNor's said...

So very saddened to hear of Sarge's crossing, but sure he would want to say thank you for the wonderful life you gave him. It will take a long time till your heart heals. Wishing you memories that can ease the pain and help you smile.
Noreen and Hunter

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

I, Dalton and my furmily are so sorry that you lost your dearly beloved Sarge. It is so hard when they are not there anymore... We send our love and hugs at this difficult time.

Pipo & I helped petcretary make you a memorial memento:

Just Copy/Paste that code to see/save/post that image anywhere you'd like. It will also be on our next blog post, likely on Sunday, next.

Purrs, Waggles & Hugs
((((( ♥ )))))

Pipo, Dalton & Petcretary Ingrid
(with Angels Minko & MrJackFreckles)

da tabbies o trout towne said...

we did not have the honor of knowing you Sarge, but wanted to still stop bye and say how sorry we are. Godspeed your journey to heaven ♥♥♥♥♥

dai$y, tuna, dude, sauce and boomer

Anonymous said...

To Sarge's furamillee: All tho wee not know youss purrsonallee wee are BERRY sad about Sarge goin to Pure Land suddenlee.Wee all ways used to see Sarge around thee Bloggie werld an luvved hiss doggie smile!! LadyMum sayss shee all wayss wanted to come visit butt wee nevurr made it here....till today....
Wee are sorry an send our sympaffiess to all of youss'.
Sinseerlee, Purrince Siddhartha Henry =^,.^= an LadyMum :(

catladymac said...

So sorry for the loss of this special boy !

Backcountry Brodie said...

Oh, I am so very sorry! I cannot even imagine what a shock that must have been. I hope Sarge hooks up with Shawnee over the bridge. I can see them being buds in the afterlife. My thoughts are with you.

Daniela (and Brodie)

Alasandra said...

So very sorry for your loss. Blogville will not be the same without Sarge. Purrs of comfort and paws of sympathy. ~Alasandra the Cats and Dogs

M Dawson said...

I did not know Sage, but as a cat owner I have known sudden loss that leaves you bereft. Bless you Sarge, fly fee adventurous spirit.

Marjorie and the Cats at Dash Kitten

pilch92 said...

I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy. XO

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We send our furry best hugz of sympathy -

Such a large loss -

But as we like to remind evFURRYone

It's not furever...
It's just...
Fur now...

Khyra&Holly&Khousin Emmy

Lorenza said...

I am very sad to know about Sarge. I will always remember him
My thoughts are with you.

The Island Cats said...

We are so sorry to hear about Sarge. He will be missed by so many Sending you comforing purrs....

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

So sorry of the loss of your beloved Sarge. Soft Pawkisses to comfort you <3 Fly Free beautiful Soul <3 <3 <3

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Another big shock this month and Blogville has lost yet another icon. Lori.....I'm so awfully sorry to hear about Sarge. He now has a new job guarding the gates at the Bridge. Any loss is hard but an unexpected one has to be the worst when there is no time to say goodbye. Sending all of you lots of hugs.


Tootsie said...

We are so deeply sorry for your loss. Sending you much, much love. Xo

edie said...

I'm sorry for your loss.

The Florida Furkids said...

We're so sorry to hear about Sarge. (((hugs)))

The Florida Furkids and Mom

Robin + Christmas said...

Sarge, we have so many grrreat Blogville's memories about you. We'll all miss you but we'll always think about you and remember the grrreat life you lived. You were a great friend and secret service agent in my campaign. Nothing gets past you,. Buddy. We'll miss ya.

Mo said...

I am very sorry for your loss of beautiful Sarge. It is heartbreaking when our pups leave us but eventually our love and gratitude for being blessed with such a beautiful and sweet soul helps to overcome the pain of good-bye for now.

Marty the Manx said...

Our hearts are broken for you all. Godspeed dear Sarge. Blogville will not be the same without you.
Marty, Mom and the Gang

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We made this for Sarge and we hope it brings you a small bit of comfort.

FiveSibesMom said...

Oh, Sarge, we here at FiveSibes were so shocked and are very sad reading this news. Run free, our dear furpal...our Blogville police commissioner, and all-around beautiful boy. I know there are many Blogville furfriends waiting to greet you and to run those beautiful fields beyond the Rainbow Bridge together.. Blogville will never be the same without you, sweet boy. Our hearts are filled with sadness as we send send big furry hugs to you, Lori. Sarge, rest easy now. You will be forever missed.

Kismet said...

"It is better to have loved and lost (him) than to never have loved at all".

The Adventures of The Bell Fur Zoo said...

Oh nose dis are so heartbreaking!! We are so sorry :'( We will be pawraying fur you!!

Finn said...

Oh Sarge. Something made me click over here tonight. You were one of Finn's first friends here and that will always mean so much to us. Much love.

Maggie Mae and Max said...

We had just learned about our dear friend Sarge and we is so very sad. Him was one of a kind.

Blessings and love,
Maggie Mae and Max

Charlotte said...

Oh we are so sad to read of Sarge's passing!! Run free dear boy!! xxoo