Hey Everyone!
Wow, I really hope all of you are having a wonderful holiday! Having all of you for furiends is about the bestest pressie a pooch could hope for. Butt, I'm still hoping for more pressies! BWAR HAR HAR
Well, SANTA PAWS ARRIVED AT MY NEW HOUSE! I was a little worried that he wouldn't find us here, but he did. *WHEW*
I'm ready!
Oh, boy! Look at all of this loot. I've been very good this year. ahem.
My furiend Abby the Lab sent me some goodies in with her pressie to Frankie!
She's a great shopper...those snackers are delish and this toy is ultra fun!! Thanks, Abby!
Beachnut and Shelldon here...to interrupt our darling Sarge with our very own Christmas celebration.
The Hands did a glorious job with our gifts this year. We are clacking our claws with glee! We adore our new treats and we will have great fun climbing through the coconut bedding. Oh, and that sea sponge will be so very tropical and help keep our crabitat humid...just the way we like it. We are such lucky crabby girls.
Okay, back to me!! GOSH, STANLEY WAS MY EXCHANGE BUDDY THIS YEAR! I'm so very happy to have gotten a pressie from my very good Dood furiend.
Holy cow! He pulled out all the stops. I got great toys and snackables from him. Check out these cool toys!
I had some of the snackers and then decided to play with the new foxy toy firstest. It has about a bazillion squeakers inside. THANKS SO MUCH, STANLEY!!
And, I got a pressie pack from my neighborhood Postal Pooch, Mayah! She belongs to my neighborhood postal peep. Gee, it's a tree toy and a bag of treats. COOL!
And, of course, I got pressies from my peeps. This is my favorite from them...it's a new grunting pig! I love these! BOL
Okay, and here's the final card count! My peeps ended up with this tiny stash.
Total: 11.
And here is my ginormous stash!
Total: 36!
My thanks to Abby the Lab, Stanley, Mayah and my peeps! And to all of you, my furiends, who sent cards and ecards. And, FnE will be here later today and I'm betting that Mamaw and Papaw Pantslegs will bring me a pressie too. Can't wait for that!!
So, that was Christmas here in my house.
We send all of you wishes for a fabulous holiday season filled with love and laughs and joy and toys and foodables! May we all have a magical 2017.
Love to all,
Sarge, Beachnut, Shelldon, Lori and Stan