
July 04, 2015

Fourth of July

 Hey Everyone!
Wow, today is such a very special day in my country!  Happy Birthday, America!  I hope all of you celebrate today in a fun and safe way.  Be sure to remember to thank a veteran too.

Now, I'm still busy having a blast with FnE and Mamaw and Papaw Pantslegs, so I won't be around.  Butt, I wanted to send these All American pix and barks to all of you today.

Happy Fourth of July to all of my American furiends!
Grr and a Patriotic Woof,
Sarge, American Pooch


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
HAPPY FOURTH SARGE (and furmily)... enjoy your day together. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

MadSnapper n Beau said...

enjoy your day, Sarge and I must say red, white and blue are your colors. you look sooooooooo handsome

Samantha said...

Happy 4th!! Xoxo MaddiethePug

Laika said...

We wish you all a Happy 4th of July :)

Wags Laika & Vaks

easyweimaraner said...

Happy 4th of july, have a wonderful independence day weekend with your grandpawrents... I hope thy have their pockets full with treats for youo)
easy rider

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Have a great day with your family Sarge!!
Happy 4th of July Smileys!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Sarge, enjoy the day with all of your family, human and furry:)

Happy Fourth of July!!!

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Murphy said...

We knew you all were having all sorts of fun. While you are eating that potato salad and huge chunks of meat maybe you could talk about the fun of going to the 2016 Retreat? Happy Independence Day!

Your Yankee Doodle Dandies,

Murphy & Stanley

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Happy 4th of July! from a Former American Hailey and a Canadian Zaphod

C.L.W.STEP said...

Great pictures! Happy 4th!

Cara n Crew said...

Happy Independence Day, Sarge! You look great in your patriotic bling and we just love your smile! we hope you are having a fun weekend. purrs,

pip, smidgen, minnie, hollie

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello sarge its dennis the vizsla dog hay yoo luk gud in red wite and bloo!!! ok bye

Poodle At Play said...

Happy 4th of July to you and all your family, Sarge!

Cookie's Comments said...

Sarge and all

Even though my mum is not a Yank (she's a Brit) she does not hold any animosity to the Yanks and wishes all of you a very Happpy 4th

Toodle pip


sprinkles said...

Hope everyone had a very safe and Happy 4th of July!

Kinley Westie said...

Happy Fourth of July!

Anonymous said...

Hope you all had a FABULOUS 4th! We did - it rained all night so no firework noise! WOO HOO!!!!!!

Love and Patriotic Hugs,

M. K. Clinton said...

Happy 4th of July weekend! ♥

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Very patriotic indeed. Happy 4th of July!

Finn said...

Sarge you look too cute in your red, white and blue! Hope you had a nice howladay!

Ziggy Stardust said...

Hi Sarge, we had a nice holiday and I am not even afraid of boombooms! Isn't that great. I can't wait to see you at the Rodeo.

Ziggy Out!!

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Wee hopes y'all hads a happisome 4th ovs July

Da K Krew

FiveSibesMom said...

We hope you had a wonderful Fourth! Always loved that "award-winning" photo of you Sarge from our Patriotic Pets Parade! We shared that video on our blog this year, too! See you Thursday at the Rodeo! (It's a super special day as it's Hu-Nanny's 94th Birthday, too! How cool to celebrate with a rodeo!)

easyweimaraner said...

wow that Cudcake Corral stamps look tasty... but I rather wait in a distance for the cakes, huh?
easy rider