Hey Everyone!
Wow, I'm so excited about Recruit A Pal!
Here are the basic details:
Recruit A Pal will
run the entire month of May through midnight 5-31-15.
Bring a new pal to Blogville or bring back one who hasn’t posted for 1
New/Return pals must post on 6-1-15 to introduce themselves.
New/Return pals must follow at least:
their Recruiter, Sarge, & BCCalendar.
Recruiters must notify me (lfurman1987ATyahooDOTcom) by 6-1-15.
Email must include the names and blog addresses of the Recruiter and
All species are welcome.
I will provide 1 prize for Recruiters.
Item from Clara’s Collars.
Frankie & Ernie will provide 1 prize for New/Return pals.
Madi will provide 1 prize for New/Return pals. One handmade scarf.
Murphy & Stanley will provide prizes for Recruiters. Four recipe books.
Oreo will provide 1 prize for a Recruiter and 1 for a New/Return pal.
Oz will do a header design makeover for 1 New/Return pal.
A community wide dance will be held on 6-2-15 for everyone in Blogville.
A community wide dance will be held on 6-2-15 for everyone in Blogville.
For the past four days I've posted lots of hints and suggestions for trying to recruit new or returning pals to Blogville.
Today I want to bark about the big celebration to follow the event. It's the WELCOME DANCE!
So, on 6-1-15 all of the new and returning pals will post their introductions. On 6-2-15 all of Blogville is invited to the Welcome Dance. This will be a fun chance to mingle and enjoy our furiendship.
On that day, I will be posting pix of all of the successful recruiters and their pals. Surf Jammers will perform too. There is no deadline, you are all invited to post on your own or just visit the Dance here.
I do hope that I will have some volunteers to help me out on June 2nd. We will need more music, security, foodables, and drinks. If you'd like to pawticipate, the theme is WELCOME and just comment below so I know what you are interested in doing for the dance.
Okay, everyone, I hope you are excited about this! I definitely am excited! Thanks for reading along for these several days and GOOD LUCK, RECRUITERS! GO GET 'EM!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish