
March 31, 2012

Snicker Saturday...Wordies

Hey Everyone!
Wow, these Saturdays always sneak up on me!  I hope you had a great week.  Here's your Saturday chuckle courtesy of those crazy word verification thingies that we all hate so much.

Okay, here we go....I'm going to show you 


 reellie, reellie funny!

Here it is...for all of you kitty folks out there...
I bet a bunch of you
 abitabi  in your house!
Get it, abitabi?!?  Have A Tabby?!?    BWAR HAR HAR

Okay, how about this one instead...

Whenever I
in Mom's face, she tells me 
I need some


Yeah, I know.  Pretty bad.   Well, I'm speaking
Sargerish again.

Have a great weekend!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Oh how we miss the good old days when booger words were khlever and khute -

Now they are just tooooooooo freakin' nasty to want to paw!

Happy Weekend!


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

That last one looks like Puddles has had too much beer and is trying to talk to you...BOL...or someten.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Finn said...

WOW Sarge, you made it into the word verification! Nice!!!! Momma thinks I need mints too :)

Boo21's Mom said...

Fun post!

Unknown said...


Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill

Murphy said...

Being in word verification means you must be famous!

Scooter said...

great wordy things and yes we all HATE them. I am glad that so many have theirs turned off cuz they are a real PAIN!!


Dachshund Nola said...

BOL I'm so glad you've found a use for the stupid things!
Dachshund Nola

Lorenza said...

Someten is a word in spanish and means "submitted"!
Have a great weekend!
Kisses and hugs

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We miss those cute word thingies, not like the new ones:( It was fun to see what words you could twist them into, just like you did here. Very clever, Sarge.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Good one Sarge. We agree with the OP Pack. The new verifications aren't as good. HOpe your weekend is fine. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

K9 Katastrophie said...



Bunk said...

Oh no! I hate these word verification things!!!!! I can' t handle these. Thank you so much for putting these up. You totally provided such good entertainment on a sunday night! I was JUST thinking about how I wish everyone got rid of them!!!

PeeS: I am having an Easter Egg Hunt contest!!!! I hope you'll put up on the calendar. I think blogvillers will enjoy participating as there are some great prizes!!!:D

