Hey Everyone! Here it is Tuesday already and the second day of my new series. Check back to Sunday and Monday to see the rules. I showed everyone a knot from my house yesterday (Monday), hopefully everyone commented what they thought it looked like, now today I'll show you what I see. Also, I'll be checking your comments as you vote for the title.
Here is yesterday's Knot:
And here's what I see when I look at it. Did any of you see a cartoon doggie???

Very appropriate way to kick off this game, huh?!?!
See everyone next Monday for the next Knot and the new title...then on Tuesday for my view. Wood you like to join me for some knotty fun? Don't let me leaf you out! Log in next Monday? BWARHAR Get it?
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
It looks like you see ME . Heck I thought it was a Wombat. Dumb me.
This is gonna be tons of funs.
Seeeeee....I knews it was a doxie...oh, you said cartoon doggie...well, it's da same thing really.
A wombat? Bwhahahahahahahaha!
I neva dids see a doggy wowsers I must practice fer dis me finks
xx xx
I was thinking Frankie! I like that knot!
Dat does look like a weenie dog when you puts it dat way (but I still tinks its a happy bug wit legs, long ears, and a big smile.
Well, what do you know? I did say I thought it was a cartoon dog. We sighthounds are known for having a good eye!
THAT'S what we saw. This is fun.
I saw a doxie doggie... hmmmm....
Kisses and hugs
I see a possum. That's my answer and I am sticking with it!
Your pal, Pip
Thats it thats it, that is exactly what we said!!
Benny & Lily
I thought it looked like Bunny :)
But, Bunny has prettier eyes and her nose isn't that big!
We saw the same thing! :)
Oh I'm miffed off I missed this, I won't miss the next one.
See Yea George xxx
I'm still chuckling over wombat. BOL!
Sarge, I would be HONORED to be a deputy!! My papa would be so proud of me. And quite a bit surprised considering how I go to great lengths to avoid any confrontation. This would be a great learning opportunity!! And who better to guide me than you!!!!
Your bestest girl and biggest admirer,
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