Hey Everyone!
Wow, this is simply CRAZY! CRAZY, I say! Somehow during the big move from Oh Hi Oh to Pencil Vane E Ah our beloved Frankie and Ernie have lost control of their snowfreaks. Holy moley Mamaw is in big trouble now and I might even have to consider giving her a little bit of stink eye over this mess. Her ginormous collection of snowfreaks have managed to escape the movers and boy have they been busy!
I've had to pull up my big Police Commissioner pants and lay down the law.
A little surveillance work here caught some of the snowfreaks in mid-escape from the moving truck.
Well, it didn't take them long to cause trouble. This trio wandered right on out into traffic...didn't bother to wait for the crossing light and KABLAMMO. They caused a nasty wreck. My first ticket of the day. Surely won't be my last. ahem
Dang, I hate paperwork.
Then, if that wasn't bad enough, this pair decided to build their very own igloo right in the middle of town! OMD this is not good. Someone's gonna rubberneck and cause another wreck. Not to mention the fact that this thing is going to melt everwhere and flood the street. SHESH!
Second ticket of the day. NO BUILDING PERMIT for that rediculous igloo.
This was probably their dumbest stunt. Now, I can certainly appreciate wanting to go swimmie. Heck, I love a good swimmie. But, these idiots can't go swimmie in the Blogville City Park fountain!
Yup, more tickets. They bobbed around in there until they froze our fountain solid! The Blogville City Park Dancing Waters might never work right again. Yikes.
This was by far the worst of the whole nightmare. Just look at these two! Strolling right down the sidewalk pooping their snowfreak poop and not scooping. They are getting a nasty ticket fur sure. Everyone knows you gotta SCOOP THE POOP. Even if it is snowfreak poop. Who wants to step in that slushy stuff. OMD they're driving me nutty today!
Oh, a big ole citation for this one.
Well, there was a lot more mayhem all around Blogville thanks to the escaped snowfreak collection. By the end of the day, our Blogville P.D. truck looked like this:
Don't even ask how I managed to handcuff these idiots! BOL ahem.
Anyway, I rounded them up, gave them their tickets and hauled their frosty butts back to FnE and Mamaw and Papaw Pantslegs where they belong.
As you can see, Mamaw got them properly boxed up and labeled for storage in the basement where they can wait for December. WHEW
I see those snowfreak faces in there staring out at me.
Even upside down, they look like trouble. BWAR HAR HAR
Well, I'm going to go take a nap. I've earned my Commish pay fur sure!
My thanks to everyone who helped show what all these snowfreaks have been up to today.
FnE and Mamaw and Papaw Pantslegs will have a fun time catching up with everyone and watching the mischief. WELCOME BACK TO BLOGVILLE AND WELCOME TO PENCIL VANE E AH!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish