
March 30, 2015

Sorrowful Crabby Monday...Remembering Oceana

Hello, Blogville Darlings.   We crabby girls, Beachnut and Shelldon must announce that our beloved Oceana has crossed the rainbow bridge.    Oh, we are so sorrowful.    We wish we knew what happened.   She had been buried for a few months and we all felt she was simply molting.   However, this was not the case and while I, Beachnut was digging a new hidey hole the other day, I found our darling.   She was gone.

Please help us remember some of our favorite moments with her.

Oceana joined our family on 4-29-13.   She was so very gorgeous and we adored her immediately!   Her shell was lovely and look at those colorful long leggies.

She was definitely the adventurous sort.

Of course, she brought a sense of glamor and grace and femininity to us
We remember our post on 9-4-13 as we prepared for a date!    Goodness, we knew nothing about makeup and fashion and style before Oceana.   She set us straight and we have never been the same.   POL    

She was also very creative!    On 10-30-13 our darling Madi had a ghost story event and our Oceana won a prize. 

So, friends, it is with very heavy crabby hearts that we say goodbye to our lovely Oceana.   We're sure she is enjoying a stroll along a heavenly beach and enjoying the sunshine on her shell.

Ciao and Little Pinches,
Beachnut and Shelldon

From The Hands:   We have no idea what happened to Oceana.   She had been buried for quite a while, but that is not unusual if a hermit crab is molting.   Before that, she seemed fine, but it is certainly hard to tell with the girls.   We feel very badly that we have lost her.    Beachnut happened to dig her up...maybe she knew her friend was gone or maybe she found her by chance.    She immediately moved into Oceana's empty shell.    Beachnut and Oceana had been close friends and were often seen sitting cuddled up together in the crabitat.   Hopefully the other two girls will have long and happy lives with us.

March 28, 2015

Snicker Saturday.....Caption This

Hey everyone!
Wow, it's time again for my weekly chuckle!    I have a new idea this time and if you like it I'll do it again.

Snicker Saturday this week is the video below....your job is to provide a caption for it in the comments.   Funny is the name of the game today, so give us a laugh, my furiends:::


Okay, so share a funny caption.   It could be what I'd be saying.   It could be what the ball is saying.   It could be what my peeps would be saying.    It could be what the cot is saying.   It could be what you are saying.    Anything that fits the video and gives us a chuckle.

Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish

March 27, 2015


Hey Everyone!
Wow, it's time again to join the Doods, Murphy and Stanley for Fractured Fryday Hairy Tails!   Oh, this is such creative fun.   I love reading everyone's stories.

This month the phrase is "I knew I would remember this forever because..."

Well, my story for FFHT today is from a looong time ago.   August 29, 2010 was an amazing day for me and my peeps and I knew I would remember this forever because it was my very firstest blog post ever.     Frankie and Mamaw set me up with my very own blog after I had been following along with their adventures and commenting and getting to know about Blogville.    This day was my very first post and here it is::::

August 29, 2010

A Surprise for my MOM

Hello Everybuddy!

It's ME... Sarge. My Mamaw set me up with a Blog of My OWN!! It is a big Surprise for my MOM when she goes to see my Mamaw and my Cousin Frankie Furter... AND Pants Legs... That is what I call Frankie's Dad. hehehe
My Mamaw didn't make my blog fancy or anything... she says she has to wait fur my MOM to see it and then to HELP ME... SARGE... decide what I want it to look like. My silly mamaw has only put up like 7 different pictures for the header. She finally decided she liked how that one looks. Then it took 4 pics for her to decide on the Profile thing. HOOOOOWWWWLL She is soooo funny.
I hope my furend Zona finds me. And all the guys and gals that I met ... Like Morgan and Thunder and Phantom and Ciera and Sugar and PUDDLES and Minna Krebs and ROONEY and Pip and The Elgin Pugs/Thugs and... Oh GOSH... Just EVERY Buddy.  I hope you will leave a Pawment.
Just remember that I won't be able to be in Blogville very often. BAH. I'll visit as often as Pawsible though. Thanks everybuddy for coming by to get me off to a start.


Frankie Furter said...
Hey Sarge... It's ME... Frankie Furter... your cussin. I am very much glad that you FINALLY have a blog of your own. It only took about 87 years of whining and whimpering for you to get it.
I hope your mom (MY.. sister, Lori) is very much surprised!!!
sprinkles said...
Hi Sarge, welcome to bloggy land! Very nice to meet you!

My name is sprinkles and I have two chihuahuas named Shiver and Chico. They said they met you at Frankie's and that you were really friendly.
3 doxies said...
Oh hey Sarge, Lori da deformed sister of Frankie right? Yep, thought so. Frankir explained her deformities to me...her only has two legs and sumptin happened to her tail...sigh. Dat a sad story.
Oh dis is just gonna be sooooo fun to haves you vacation in Blogville. You just wouldn't believes all da mean all da fun we has here. I wish you could move here.
See ya soon and glad you is here.

Sugar the Golden Retriever said...
Woof! Woof! Very sweet of Frankie for doing this. Welcome to Dog Blogging. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Lola said...
Hi Sarge. I think this is a great idea and I look forward to following it. It doesn't matter how often you get to post. We'll enjoy reading it whenever you get time. Oh, and my brother Franklin says hi, too. He doesn't have his own account yet or anything, but he'll be reading whatever I let him.

lotsa welcome licks, Lola
Mango said...
Hey Sarge! That Frankie sure is a good pal of yours to help you get into blog land. You have to read posts at the library? Sheesh. Good thing that isn't our issue because momma's face is on their most wanted list for all her overdue notices.

Enjoy, little pal!

♥♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥♥ said...
Hi Sarge, great to see you again. Frankie was just wonderful to make this blog for you. We hope that you can find a way to post every now and then so we can keep up with the fun in your life. We love the header pic and all that your Mamaw did for you - you must be a very special pup to be so nicely rewarded.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Mr. Pip said...
Welcome to blogville, Sarge! So glad to see you after all that craziness at Frankie's pawty.

Your pal, Pip
scotsmad said...
Hey Sarge, welcome aboard! We look forward to your side of encounters with Cuzzin Frankie.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Maggie Mae said...

Welcome to da bloggie world! Just come by when youz have time...we will be here!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Sam and Pippen said...
Welcome to blogville, Sarge!

Sam and Pippen
Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...
Welcome to blogville Sarge!! It's great to have new neighbors!! We love new furiends!!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
Minna Krebs said...
Hello theres, Sarge!

I am doing da Snoopy Happy Dance here, ever since I read that you got your own blog now!

Now we be able to hear da real truth bout some of Frankie's stories.....butt sssshhh on that. Don't tell him I said that, okay?

Lookin forward to seeing you round BlogLand

rottrover said...
Hi Sarge! We're three rottweilers, Gizmo, Bart and Ruby. We don't have our own blog but we love to visit. We'll come by again soon. Hope your mom likes your blog!!
George the Lad said...
Hi Sarge
Welcome to blog land, and nice to meet up with you again.
See Yea Soon George xxx
Peggy Frezon said...
Hi Sarge and welcome. I am a two legger. But my dog Kelly is part long haired dachshund and part cocker spaniel.
Life with 5 dogs said...
Hello Sarge, We sure hope your Mommy is Super Suprised by your blog. We look forward to hearing more about you. You are a very handsome looking doggy.
Your Newest Doggy friends
Benny and Lily said...
Welcome Sarge.. We see you have your very own assistant setting up your bloggy, nice!
Benny & Lily
Those Elgin Pugs said...
Oh's dis is most exciting Sarge!! member we suggested 'dis very ting!! So glad yous Mamaw helped yous outs and 'dens yous Mom can helps wits 'da rest!!

oooooooo... dis is gonna be goods!!!! Tell 'dat Frankies we's said hey... we's off to harass him's now and we's be backs to play laters!


'da Elgin thugs
houndstooth said...
Sarge, we can't wait to read about what you have to say!

Bunny and Morgan
Zona said...
I am so glad to see that you have a bloggie of you're very own!! I'm your 21st follower!

Samantha said...
Hi Sarge! So glad to meet you and welcome you to dogblogland! And other furblogland creatures here! Love your header photo and can't wait to hear more about you!
Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie and the gang here
Lorenza said...
It is pawesome that you have your own blog now!
I will be visiting you often!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
road-dog-tales said...
Sarge - Excellent! We're glad you finally have your own blog. Frankie is a rockin' cuzzin and is so thoughtful to set this up for you! Don't worry about not blogging very often. We've gotten pretty slack ourselves, but we'll be glad to hear from you whenever you post!

The Road Dogs
♥MONA + MOMMY TOO♥ said...
Hi Sarge!! So glad your gonna have your own blog. Can't wait to hear what you have to say!!

The Teacher's Pets said...
Well, guess what? Another furend of yours found you and her name is Daisy Dukes McLeod/Lindahl and she is very happy to meet up with you again! Remember how we pawtied our pants off at Frankie's Pawty? I was the only girl there so of course you had to notice me, right? Or were you asleep on the bar stool and STILL can't remember? Well, here's another hint...I was there with a chaperone, my dad, and I stayed as far away from him as pawsible so I could flirt and all of that stuffs...Anyway, I heard through the grapevine that you entered the blogging world and I would like to extend my welcoming paws to you. Congratulations fur joining us! We will help you learn the ropes (oops, I mean "leashes") as much as pawsible.

So, there it first post and my first commenters.   Sadly, some have crossed the rainbow bridge and some no longer blog, but it's wonderful to remember them forever because Blogville furiends are the bestest.    

Thanks, Doods for hosting FFHT!    This is always such fun.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish