
July 30, 2014

Baby Love

Hey Everyone!
Wow, this is a really fun day!    I'm joining my new furiend Sammy for his event called Baby Love.   If you don't know him, click the link.   To pawticipate all you have to do is post pix of you as a wee little pup or kit or chick or whatever.  BWAR HAR HAR 
So, here I am at about 4 months old...

I was such a little guy back then!
Also, that was before the snazzy digital camera, so all we have are these old style ones.
This is the magnet thingy on our refrigerator.
Thanks, Sammy, for hosting this!   You're one cool cat fur sure.

Don't forget about Safety Week coming up August 11 through August 16.
We could still use volunteers to cover the following TOPICS:  Traffic Safety,   Power/Hand Tool Safety,   Food/Drinks during the week,   Transportation during the week, and any other safety topic you can think of.   If you'd like to volunteer, leave a comment for me below or for Top Cop Sidebite.

We could still use some extra things for the PICNIC:  Maybe someone could volunteer to host a Sand Box,   a Horseshoe Pit,   a Volleyball Court,   hot air balloon rides,   or anything else that you think could fit in with the picnic.   Sasha and Ruby are handling the food/drinks.   If you'd like to volunteer, leave a comment for me below or for Top Cop Sidebite.

I could still use more entries for the PARADE:   Maybe some more floats,   vehicles,   clowns,   drill teams,   jugglers,   unicycles,   cheerleading teams,   marching bands,   horse units,   mascots,  or anything else that you think could be in a parade.   Please send your ready-to-post pix to me at   lfurman1987ATyahooDOTCOM and include your name and blog addy.

Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commissioner


July 28, 2014

Crabby Monday...Safety Week Parade

Hello, Blogville Darlings!
We crabby girls are absolutely agog about the upcoming Safety Week hosted by Top Cop Sidebite and our Sarge.    On the first day of the festivities, Sarge is hosting a big parade.   He is working on all of the parade entries for all of the wonderful safety staff members and is asking for other entries from anyone interested in being in the parade lineup.   Comment below if you would like to join in.

Now, the reason we girls are agog is because we SURF JAMMERS will be performing on our very own spectacular float in the parade!    Goodness, we are clacking our claws with glee.    AND we are practicing our long and lovely leggies off to be ready to entertain the crowd.

So, friends, mark you calendars for the entire week of fun and be sure to check us out in the parade.     Oh, we'd be thrilled for you to enter too!    Sarge could use floats, vehicles, clowns, jugglers, drill teams, marching bands, etc etc etc, anything you'd see in a parade would be fabulous.   Meanwhile, we're polishing up our steel drums and brusing up on our calypso tunes.   POL

BTW:   We're not the only band...oh, goodness no...Bad Dawg Agency will be performing on a float too!!

Ciao and Little Pinches,
Beachnut, Oceana, Shelldon
The B.O.S. Girls

July 25, 2014

Fractured Fryday Hairy Tails

Hey Everyone!
Wow, this is sooo much fun!   Today I'm joining my good Dood furiends Murphy & Stanley for their Fractured Fryday Hairy Tails.         Here we go....

Little Sarge Muffet
sat on a tuffet
eating his Alpo and bone.

Along came a Postpeep
and sat down in a big heap
a box sent to me all alone.

When I opened the box
I was startled to find
an unstuffie all shaped like a fox.

I stuck in my face
and pulled out in my haste
that unstuffie fox limp like a socks.

Little Sarge Horner
ran off to a corner
eating his new favorite toy.

He tore at the seam
and his face it did beam
till his Mom said you're a bad boy.

The End


Oh, BWAR HAR HAR this is great entertainment and I can't wait to see what all of you came up with!  Thanks so much, Doods, for inventing this neat event and I bet there will be lots more of them.

Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Pol Comm

July 23, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Pol Comm

July 22, 2014

Safety Week Update

Hey Everyone!
Wow, we are planning such an amazing week of information and fun!   Top Cop Sidebite and I are sure that everyone will have a super time.   Please mark your calendars for August 11 through 16.

Here are the planned events so far:

8-11-14   Opening Ceremony Speech:  Madi
                Parade:    Me, Sarge

8-12-14  Poopbags/Flashlights:  Lassie & Benji
               Plant Dangers:  Reilly & Denny
               Wild Animal Encounters:   Lee & Phod
               Travel Safety:   Oz

8-13-14  HGE Illness:   Sidebite
               Food Safety:   Sasha
               Stranger Danger:  Angus
               Tree Rat Hunting Safety:   Ruby the Airedale

8-14-14  Pet Fire Safety:   FiveSibes
               First Aid Tips:   Goose
               Hot Weather Safety:   Idaho Pugs

8-15-14   Search and Rescue:  Bert
               Zoomie Safety:   Millie & Walter
               Stormy Weather Safety:   Casey & Cinderella

8-16-14    Picnic:   Sasha

See?!?!?   Isn't this super!   And we still have more topics and events that could be added.   We are asking all safety employees and anyone else in Blogville to volunteer to help out.  Possible topics could be things like:  Traffic Safety  ;  ID Chips  ;  Water Safety  ;   Pet Insurance  ;   Foodables for the week  ;  Drinks for the week  ;   Transportation from various events  ;  And I'm sure Sasha could use help with the big picnic.    Any of these or any other ideas would be welcomed.    Please let Sidebite know or leave a comment for me if you'd like to volunteer.   It's super easy...just post about your topic on the correct day.  THAT'S IT!   BOL 

Now, I am working my paws off preparing all of the PARADE entries for all of the safety employees.   For everyone else, if you'd like to be in the parade lineup, we'd be thrilled to have you.   Just send your completed, ready-to-post pix to me at    lfurman1987ATyahooDOTcom    by 8-1-14 and you'll be in the parade.    I'd be happy to have floats, fun vehicles, marching bands,  drill teams,  clowns,  anything you'd see in a parade.   The more the merrier!   
BTW:   Our big parade will include a float carrying Bad Dawg Agency in performance!   WOOHOOO
And, my crabby girls Surf Jammers will also be performing on a float!   

Come on...join in the fun with us!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commissioner

July 21, 2014

Crabby Monday...Name The Sculpture Winners

Hello, Darlings. 

First, we must say that we are totally agog about our glamorous makeover!   Do you love our new blog layout as much as we do?  We are clacking our claws at the amazing work Ann did and thanking Frankie's Hand for the lovely gift.   Okay, on to some business:

Please don't forget about the upcoming festivities for Safety Week!   If you are interested in hosting a topic or part of the event, please contact Top Cop Sidebite, or leave a comment below.    If you wish to put an entry into the parade, please comment below and Sarge will get back to you.

Okay, on to some more crabby business:   POL
We crabby girls are so very pleased to announce the winners of our latest contest.   Recently we acquired a new dog sculpture to liven up our crabitat.    We asked all of you, our lovely friends to help us give the sculpture a fabulous name.   We had such a glorious response and we thank each of you for joining in with us.

Madi, Lee & Phod, our darling Coccolino, Reilly & Denny, Frankie & Ernie, Lily & Edward, Jazzi Barkalong, Sweet William, Ranger, Sagira, Murphy & Stanley, Millie & Walter, the Idaho Pugs, Ruby, Sprinkles, Casey, Lassie & Benji, Anna the GSD, Daisy, Blueberry.

The list of names included:  Sea Dog,  Sandy Paws,  Clawd,  Daniel,   Rosebud Butterball,  Sebastian,  Cooper,  Hermie,  Sinker,  Claw Dog,  Herman,  Charlie,  Wave,  Leon,  Petey,  Davy Jones,  Pebbles,  Rebel,  Rascal,  Sand Dollar,  Flipper,  Frank,  Bubbles.

The voting was furious and fierce and in the end it was very nearly a tie!    
But, finally one name won the contest by one vote.

Meet Davy Jones!     

This spectacular name was suggested by three of our good friends, so the winners are:

IdahoPugs,   Casey,   and  Daisy.   
Concrabulations to all three of you!   If you would please email your addresses to us at     lfurman1987ATyahooDOTcom   we will get a prize sent to you.   Now, if you don't know these wonderful friends, click their names and say hello!

Thanks so much to all of you for helping us with our project!
Ciao and Little Pinches,
Beachnut, Oceana, Shelldon
The B.O.S. Girls

July 19, 2014

MAKEOVER ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Hey Everyone!
Wow, I'm so super excited to announce my new blog makeover!    Ann at Zoolatry has worked amazing magic and we are totally overjoyed with the look.   My Mom could never do anything cool like this.  BOL     Mamaw gave this to us as a pressie, so we thank her bunches and bunches.    Thanks, Ann for sharing your talent and making this look so great!    WE LOVE IT ! ! ! !

Okay, on to business:    SAFETY WEEK will be August 11 through August 16.

The event is coming together so very nicely already!    Here is the lineup so far:
8-11-14   Opening Ceremony Speach by Mayoress Madi
                Parade hosted by ME

8-12-14    Poopbags/Flashlights    by Lassie & Benji
                 Dangerous Plants    by Reilly and Denny

8-13-14    HGE Illness    by Sidebite
                 Food Safety     by Sasha

8-14-14    Pet Fire Safety     by FiveSibes

8-15-14      Search and Rescue     by Bert

8-16-14       Picnic hosted by Sasha

Bites and I are asking all safety employees to consider covering a safety topic or some other part of the festivities.   We could certainly use more!   Following are all of the staff members:

Mayoress:   Madi
Police Commissioner:   Sarge
Chief of Police:  Sidebite
Office Manager:  Hope
Deputy Top Cop:  Ranger
Rodent Patrol Officers:  Ruby, Princeton, Anna
Lead Detective:   Zaphod
Worldwide Detectives:  Wallace, Milo, Asta, Dougal & Floyd
Consulting Detectives:   Reilly & Denny
Criminal Investigative Services:   Bertie
Captain of Patrol Officers and Chaplain:   Goose
Patrol Officers:  Chip, Snoopy, George Pooh, Mr. K.
Junior Police Officers:   Sully, Angus,
Judge:  Kaci
Court Clerk:   Heather
Public Defender:   Hailey
Fire Chief:   Sammy
Fire Fighters:   Rocco, Tasha, Toby Moses
Dogtor:   Lassiter Chase
EMT:   Benjamin

Sample topics could be things like:  First Aid, Traffic Safety, Wild Animal Encounters, Extreme Weather Safety, ID Chips, Stranger Danger, Water Safety, etc.   We would also like to have foodables, drinks throughout the week.  Please contact me in a comment below, or Sidebite at btracing55@attDOTNET to volunteer to host a topic. 
So, that's all the news that's fit to print!   BWAR HAR HAR   
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commissioner

July 16, 2014


Hey Everyone!
Wow, I am so excited to announce that I am teaming up with our top cop, Police Chief Sidebite, to host Safety Information Week August 11th through August 16th, 2014.

Bites and I are asking all safety employees to consider covering a safety topic or some other part of the festivities.   Following are all of the staff members:

Mayoress:   Madi
Police Commissioner:   Sarge
Chief of Police:  Sidebite
Office Manager:  Hope
Deputy Top Cop:  Ranger
Rodent Patrol Officers:  Ruby, Princeton, Anna
Lead Detective:   Zaphod
Worldwide Detectives:  Wallace, Milo, Asta, Dougal & Floyd
Consulting Detectives:   Reilly & Denny
Criminal Investigative Services:   Bertie
Captain of Patrol Officers and Chaplain:   Goose
Patrol Officers:  Chip, Snoopy, George Pooh, Mr. K.
Junior Police Officers:   Sully, Angus,
Judge:  Kaci
Court Clerk:   Heather
Public Defender:   Hailey
Fire Chief:   Sammy
Fire Fighters:   Rocco, Tasha, Toby Moses
Dogtor:   Lassiter Chase
EMT:   Benjamin

Sample topics could be things like:  First Aid, Traffic Safety, Wild Animal Encounters, Poison Plants, Extreme Weather Safety, Search & Rescue, ID Chips, Stranger Danger, Water Safety, etc.   We would also like to have foodables, drinks, and on the 16th maybe a picnic to wrap up the week of fun.  Please contact me in a comment below, or Sidebite at btracing55@attDOTNET to volunteer to host a topic.   

On August 11th, we will kick off our event with an Opening Ceremony speech by Mayoress Madi and a PARADE hosted by ME.   Our safety employees will be in the parade and I am offering to include anyone else who would like to join the parade.   Floats, bands, clowns, vehicles, drill teams, anything goes.   Simply email your post-ready photos to me at    lfurman1987ATyahooDOTCOM before August 4th to be included in the parade lineup.   I will take care of the entries for our safety employees, but everyone else must submit finished photos along with their names and blog addy and you'll be in for the fun.

So, Blogville let’s think Safety and prepare to celebrate!

Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Pol Comm

July 15, 2014

We Are Blogville

Hey Everyone!
Wow, I'm so excited to be joining my furiends Murphy and Stanley for "WE ARE BLOGVILLE"!

I am Sarge and I live near the Allegheny National Forest in Pennsylvania.   I was adopted from the local shelter and am basically a mutt.   Currently I am Blogville's Police Commissioner.    I share this blog with my crabby girls, hermit crabs Beachnut, Oceana and Shelldon.
Here's my post for Murphy & Stanley's event today.   
Check out this cool piece of news from my territory:

It was so sad that Rocco died in the line of duty, but what an amazing K9 Cop Hero!   It's so super that we are celebrating his life, spirit and memory by protecting our K9 furiends and placing more punishment on anyone who hurts them.   BRAVO TO PENNSYLVANIA FOR THIS NEW LAW!!

Thanks to Murphy & Stanley for today's event.
Grr and a Proud Woof,
Sarge, Blogville Citizen

July 14, 2014

Crabby Monday...Name the Artwork Contest

Hello, Blogville Darlings!    We crabby girls are all agog at the response to last week's post.   If you'll remember, we have redecorated our spectacular crabitat and as a final edition to the atmosphere, we included this stunning and artful sculpture:

Teeheehee, we have our own canine statue and we find him simply adorable!    Last week we asked all of you to suggest delightful names and the response was fabulous.    Following are all of the names that were submitted and we invite to you cast your votes in a comment.  

Sea Dog
Sandy Paws
Rosebud Butterball
Claw Dog
Davy Jones
Sand Dollar

The name with the most votes will be the winning name for our artwork.   A wonderful prize will be awarded to the friend who suggested the winning name.      OMC we are so excited and cannot wait to see which fabulous name comes out on top.   Please comment your vote!!

Ciao and Little Pinches,
Beachnut, Oceana, Shelldon

July 11, 2014

Christmas in July Swap Pressies

Hey everyone!
Wow, I'm such a lucky pooch!   Remember awhile ago when our good furiend Sprinkles hosted her Christmas in July Pet Swap?   Well, you should, we were all invited to pawticipate and have ourselves swapped with another furiend to trade pressies with.   I've done this for several years now and it's always a ton of fun.   This year, my swap buddies are Mona & Prissy!   Wooohoooo!   They are such wonderful furiends and they posted the other day about the gifties I sent to them.

Yesterday, I received a box from them with the gifties they sent to me!   Check out the loot:

OMD I was so excited that I jumped right up on the table!   OH, YES I DID!   BOL
(Mom made me get back down....pttththth to her.)

"It's Christmas - in July"      Look at those cute dachsies!

BWAR HAR HAR    Dach the halls!    This gave me the giggles.
They gave my peeps that cool magnet and they love it bunches.

See, they like it so much that they put it right on the refrigerator next to this picture magnet of yours truly.   BOL

Oh, I can bark that those True Chews treats are delish!   I had one of those right away.
And that cool new leash meant my peeps took my for a nice walkie last night.   That's like
an extra bonus gift!   BOL

 OMD there was a big rope and tennis ball toy and this wonderful pink pig!
Love the pink pig!   He squeaks and I did zoomies around the house with him.

I'm sending a big thanks out to Sprinkles for hosting this again for us!    My furiends, you need to get in this one next's a blast!
I'm sending a big thanks out to Mona & Prissy for sending me such a great box of pressies!   You are super shoppers and very good furiends!   I love all of my goodies!

Grr and a Happy Woof,
Sarge, Lucky Hound

July 09, 2014

July 07, 2014

Crabby Monday...Makeover and Contest

Hello, Darlings!   We crabby girls have been so very busy giving our glorious crabitat a much needed makeover.    Having the most trendy and chic surroundings makes us feel fabulous.   If you will remember, we recently added a:
 Wonderful castle to one room and decorated it 
with the latest in sea-life wallpaper.   
It looks amazing and we adore it.

Then, we added a state-of-the art...
 modern computer system so that we would be in touch with the lastest
technogadgets.   For that room, we consulted an interior designer
who set us up with this feminine and lovely wallpaper.  Perfect for the PC room.

Well, for the last room of our crabitat, we pulled out all of the stops to create the most fanciful and fun room of our crabitat.   Feast your eyes on:

 our most whimsical wallpaper to date!   
Oh, we are certain that Sarge will be all agog.  

 Now, there is only one final, spectacular detail missing...

 We added our own artistic and fantastical PUPPY!     
OMClawd this is such grand fun!

 We certainly feel that this is a wonderful addition to the crabitat and it definitely suits the style and theme of our Blogville adventures.   POL

So, please join us, Beachnut, Oceana and Shelldon for a fabulously fun CONTEST!   We have this new puppy sculpture and feel that it simply must have a wonderful name.   We have no earthly idea if it is a male or female, so the sky is the limit, our lovely friends.   To join the fun, simply comment your idea for a name.    We will compile them all and next week on Crabby Monday we will list them all and put the selection up to a vote.   Oh, we are clacking our claws with glee!   This is such spectacular fun!    Goodness, we can't wait to see your ideas.   Of course, the winning name will grant that friend with a wonderful prize pressie, and we classy crabby girls REALLY KNOW HOW TO SHOP!   Teeheehee

Ciao and Little Pinches,
Beachnut, Oceana, Shelldon