Hey Everyone!
Wow, you won't believe what came in my mail the other day! My good furiends Daisy, Bella and Roxy sent me the coolest pressie for the Blogville Police Department! They are such wonderful furiends. Take a look at this:
Ooooh, it's a new crime-fighting tool for the BPD!
I know you can't quite read their great message here, but it says that they are donating this pressie to the BPD to aid in the apprehension of criminals in Blogville! Isn't that great?
See, most of our criminals are squirrels, and they are very tricky and hard to identify, so this kit is designed to help witnesses and victims point out the perps. So, I started out right away.
Time's A Wastin'! We have criminals to nab.
Here is our first criminal. Thanks to Daisy, Bella and Roxy, we are able to present this Wanted Poster with a very good likeness of one of Blogville's most wanted criminals.
By utilizing the new Identa-Kit, Frankie and Ernie were able to give us this look at the infamous criminal known only as Rustler Rusty.
He is wanted in connection with several crimes in Blogville.
Most notably, he GOT A LOOOOONG LITTLE DOGGIE's stuffy toys. Frankie and Ernie had several of their bestest stuffies rustled, toynapped, hog tied and branded!
If you have any information regarding the whereabouts of Rustler Rusty,
please contact the BPD immediately.
On behalf of the BPD and the citizens of Blogville, I offer a huge THANK YOU to the girls at Scotsmad for their generous donation!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP