Wow, my peeps can be really thick-headed sometimes. Usually I gotta admit they're pretty pawesome and good to me, but every know and then they slack a little. They get all busy with their own lives and pay no attention to me when I really deserve it! Pthththththt...that's a big raspberry to them.
So here's your chuckle for the day. I don't know which will make you snicker more- my poor, pathetic, neglected, hung dog self (see evidence below), or the fact this this little routine worked!! I actually had to stay in this pose for about 10 minutes until someone noticed. But, after the pix were taken, I got treats and some some serious fetch time with my favorite raccoon toy! BWAR HAR HAR
BTW: Here's a bonus belly-laugh courtesy of Mom! One year ago today, she had her eye surgery so she could quit wearing glasses. What's so funny about that, you might ask? Well, see below:
Granted she was still pretty loopy from the surgery happy drugs,
but still!! OMD There's a ton of material in this pix!
The real snicker is that she did all of this because she thought eyeglasses made her look funny!
Mom, I hate to tell you, it isn't the Foster Grants!
Sarge, COP