It's ME... Sarge. My Mamaw set me up with a Blog of My OWN!! It is a big Surprise for my MOM when she goes to see my Mamaw and my Cousin Frankie Furter... AND Pants Legs... That is what I call Frankie's Dad. hehehe
My Mamaw didn't make my blog fancy or anything... she says she has to wait fur my MOM to see it and then to HELP ME... SARGE... decide what I want it to look like. My silly mamaw has only put up like 7 different pictures for the header. She finally decided she liked how that one looks. Then it took 4 pics for her to decide on the Profile thing. HOOOOOWWWWLL She is soooo funny.
I hope my furend Zona finds me. And all the guys and gals that I met at the wedding... Like Morgan and Thunder and Phantom and Ciera and Sugar and PUDDLES and Minna Krebs and ROONEY and Pip and The Elgin Pugs/Thugs and... Oh GOSH... Just EVERY Buddy. And of course, THE Brides... Ruby and Penny.
I hope you will leave a Pawment.
Just remember that I won't be able to be in Blogville very often. BAH. I'll visit as often as Pawsible though. Thanks everybuddy for coming by to get me off to a start.