Wow, we have had another crime in Blogville. This is just not right, so I put on my COP gear and did an investigation.
The Victim: Queen Coco Chanel from Kissa-bulls. See her post from 5-21-11 for her statement.
The Crime: The perpetrator caused serious damage to her property by chewing a massive crater in the wall of her home.
The Evidence: During the review of the crime scene, several key pieces of evidence were found. Around the area of the crime, there were many small fragments of drywall that had been chewed by small, sharp teeth. Also discovered were very tiny footprints in the dust. These were properly photographed and placed into evidence. Through my super COP skills, I also unearthed an incriminating acorn that had been dropped by the suspect as he fled.
The Charges: Criminal mischief, Criminal Tresspass, Property damage, Harassment, Disorderly Conduct, and Littering.
Acting as Blogville Chief of Police, an arrest has been made:

The Accused: Marvin "Pouch Cheeks" Oakly. He is a key member of the infamous Nut Crackers Gang, and was previously arrested and convicted of similar criminal activity.
He is the twin brother of known gang member Bugsy "The Babe" Ruth.
Gang Surveillance Pix "A" Gang Surveillance Pix "B"
He has been formally charged and is awaiting trial and sentencing.
Queen Coco Chanel is officially cleared of any wrong-doing in this matter.
My thanks to Chief Deputy Zona, who through her super-sniffer cop skills discovered the incriminating footprints. A note of appreciation to Investigator Pip who traced the evidence directly to Oakly. Thanks too for the hard work done by Civilian Desk Clerk Mona who compiled the reports
and logged in the evidence. I also directed Clerk Mona to forward a full report to His Honor, Mayor Frankie Furter on this investigation.
This case is now ready for trial, so I have handed all details of this investigation over to Abby, Legal Beagle at Paw and we await the trial followed by Judge Remington's verdict and sentencing.
Grr and an Official Woof,
Sarge, Chief of Police
PeeS: Don't forget the clock is ticking for my Memorial Day Weekend Event:
Check out my 5-15-11 post for the details!
Wow it's CSI Sarge, great investigative work
Benny & Lily
Pee S is Coco allowed visitors?
Well done Sherlock!! Very impressed with the gathering of evidence and the clearing of a fellow canine - we're wondering if we can sign up as Rookies some time, we think we'd look nice in blue and we're very inquisitive ;-) Dexter & Louis xx
PS - our human said to say we're also very wilful and ignore anything we're told so maybe we wouldn't be very good at making the peace - more like breaking it - hee hee!!
One less squirrel thug on the streets. Nice work! We can all sleep a little easier tonight!
Your pal, Pip
Hip Hip HooooooRaaaay.. Coco Chanel has been cleared. I just KNEW that she was being framed. I even suspected the perp would end up being a ...{{SQUIRREL}}.
YOU do such a very much grrrrreat job of keeping thingys Under Control in Blogville.
I'm thinkin that that Police DePawtment needs a RAISE.
Blogville is so safe with you around making arrests!
Great work for the police dept. of blogville. Did you know that someone stole Pip's wagon - there is another case for you to solve.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
OH no not another crime!
Wow good work Sarge, you sure know how to handle things, I've don't the peeps post will put it up first thing Saturday, I think we are about 5 hours ahead of you ;)
Have a good week
See yea George xxx
Sarge you are such a good leader! It's no wonder we're putting this gang behind bars left and right!!!
We sleep better at night knowing you're on the job, Sarge! Good work!
The Road Dogs
Swift work, Sarge. We always feel safe knowing you're on the job.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Leave it to a squirrel!
I bet you are the best detective ever!
PS: Happy (belated) Gotcha Day!!!
Coco must be very happy!
Thanks to your hard work she is now cleared of the crime!
Kisses and hugs
I feel so much safer knowing you're on the case. You're the best detective evar!
I hope you search for who stole the Pip Mobile next.
Thank goodness you are there to keep us safe Sarge!
My Peeps post is being worked on for this weekend - our time is well ahead of yours - so forgive me for that! My peeps are getting nervous about what I'm gonna reveal!! He he he!
Tail Wuggles, Rubie.
Excellent work, Sarge! Your sleuthing skills have kept another Pittie from being locked behind bars!
you are the bestest chief of police evarrr! i'm so glad you 'n miss zona found out who really did it so that miss coco channel wouldn't have to go to jail!! those squirrels are T-R-O-U-B-L-E!!!
the booker man
pee s -- i love that your daddy's name is STAN! teeheeheeeeee!
And once again, the estates of blogville are safe thanks to your good work.
I heard about this. I'm glad we have a good guy like you to track down the bad ones. :)
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