Hey Everyone!
Wow, I'm so super excited to announce that FnE and Mamaw and Papaw Pantslegs are
all OFFICIALLY HERE! Yup, they loaded their stuffs on Tuesday, drove all night, and yesterday unloaded bunches of their stuffs right here in my territory. Holy cow, they are only 1 hour away now instead of 6 long hours and 87,000 miles. BOL
Here is the ginormous truck that brought all of their stuffs!
Here they are having a snack on their new front porch in Pencil Vane E Ah.

Hopefully, they'll be more settled in and back to Blogville in a day or two! Yipeee!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish
I am glad they made it safely!!
stella rose
WOW! What a BIG truck :-) Woofs to them.
CLAPPING WILDLY AND DANCING A GIG!! WE ARE SO HAPPY EVERY ONE IS IN PA WHERE THEY WANT TO BE AND SHOULD BE!! WTG FnE having a snack on your brand spanking new PA porch. kitty hugs and kisses Mad and mom
Wow! That is so exciting! I bet you'll have lots of fun!
They made it and they made it safely and we are sure you are all going to have a joyous life together (well nearly together) in Pencil Vane E Ah.
Toodle pip!
PS I looked on our atlas and you know what - it spells your state ALL WRONG.
Sarge, this is tooooooo exciting!!! One hour is NOTHING!
Now you guys are gonna get into so much trouble. . . I mean have so many ADVENTURES!
Love Noodles
Ye haw!!!!!! they made it! looks like a great porch to have a snack on!
you will love being closer together!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel
Wish mum and I lived closer so we could visit -- but mum does NOT want cold weather ANY more -- says she is getting to old for it.
BTW Sarge -- I am counting the days til our date at the Sadie Hawkins Dance!!
We are even wagging over here cuz we are excited for all the cousins to be so close!!
Your Pals,
Murphy & Stanley
Hari OM
Even I am wagging... trust me, I am.... pretty good trick for a tail-less two legger!!! WWWOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO.. hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx
YAY!!! Glad they arrived safely. And they have a FRONT porch??? Wow, they are lucky - just think of all the great things they will see from that vantage point.
Woos - Ciara and Lightning
Soooooo glad they made it safely! You sure are lucky to be so close! Where are they going to garden....we love the picking and preparing that goes on! Tell them we all want a video tour of the new digs....and we will all miss the adventures on the hill! Smoouchie kisses to everybody, DC Jazzi
WAHOOVIES!!! We are so happy they made it all safe and soud and can't WAIT to see them back in Blogville!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo
That's wonderful. Hope they're back soon and not suffering from Move Lag too much!
Welcome Home! Look for a little package from the big brown truck in a couple of days with some welcome treats from our house to yours.(Sarge's Mom gave us your address to mail them).
Pugs and Kisses
Abby Lab
Super GOOD News! So glad you're all closer together again! ;)
Yahoooooooooooooooooooooo and Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! I am so happy and I can't wait to see them again.
Ziggy Out!!
WAHOOZIEZ COOL DOOZIEZ!!!!! So glad tue hear they made it out there ok - that truck iz soooooo big, did they move the hill out there tue? Now don't u'all b gittin'in alotta trouble out there now that u'all live so close. Just bet u 3 will b havin'alotta FUN! Lookin'forward tue when they r bak in Blogville.
Lord Shiloh'n Lady Shasta of Beaglebratz Manor
HOOOOORAY!!!! We've missed them SO much!
Wally & Sammy
I'm wagging a big hell-o to F&E and their humans. I hope all things are on board of that truck, including the buried treasures from the hill... oh and some milkbone plants, of course :o)
we can't wait until they are all settled in - have the yaptop plugged in and can share some pics of their new home with us all. We sure hope they have room for a garden too
Wooohoo!!!!!!!!!! We missed them SO much! I can't wait to hear all about their new place.
Weve been thinking about them and missing them like crazy!! So glad that they and their stuff all made it safely!! HaPPy dance here!!! Cant wait till they are back!!!
Oreo and Addi
Yea! We're happy they made it safe an sound. Now comes the hard part.... Unpacking!
Lily Belle & Muffin
1 hour compared to 6 hours? How nice of them to move closer so you can visit more often! We imagine you will have many more adventures with Frankie and Ernie now.
Thanks for keeping us updated. We're glad to hear they made it safely to their new home.
hello sarge its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am happy to heer that frankie and ernie hav arrived suksessfully!!! and now i unnerstand ware all the snow freeks hav been coming frum too!!! ha ha ok bye
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