January 31, 2016
Inspire Your Heart wiff StuART
Hey Everyone!
Wow, today is a very sweet day for all of us in Blogville! I am joining my furiend Ranger as he celebrates our Stuart with a very special hop. Today we will Inspire Your Heart Wiff StuART!
What a great idea. We all know our furiend Stuart loved all things artistic.
So, I started with a you all know my legs are pretty dang long, so I had a little trouble controlling them and the flashy beast. BOL So, it's kinda odd, but I took my selfie and then added a washout effect.
Not bad! Fairly artistic.
Then I hit the Paint feature and added a little modern abstract color to my selfie.
Oh, that's creative and a little on the unique side! BOL
Then I ran off to see the PiZap options and came up with this final version.
Well, it's pretty unusual, but I find it quite artistic and inspired.
Thanks, Ranger, for hosting this and helping us all celebrate Stuart's life.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Amateur Artist
January 30, 2016
Snicker Saturday....Pie Dough for Fido
Hey Everyone!
Wow, it's time for your weekly chuckle...yes, it's Snicker Saturday time! BWAR HAR HAR
You might remember back last Summer, I surprised and amused my peeps by showing them that I love to eat RAW PIE DOUGH! Yup, I admit that's pretty strange and very funny. Especially for a pooch who really only likes meat and cheese and peanut butter. BOL Forget the carrots, never sweet potato, won't eat fruit. No way. *BLECH* But offer me some raw pie dough and I start to drool. BOL
Here is the day that my peeps rolled on the floor laughing as I begged for the pastry!
WELL, I gave my peeps AND MAMAW AND PAPAW PANTLEGS a big chuckle a couple of weeks ago!
I was visiting with them and FnE and my Mamaw pampered this pastry pooch with some delish dough. Check out what she served up to me:
OMDough! It's raw pie dough all shaped out like a real pie. Link on over to FnE to see the story. I pawmise you there was a lot of laughing at my expense.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Dough Dog
January 29, 2016
Surely You Know Shirley..... The BCC
Hey Everyone!
Wow, our furiends, Co-Mayorz Murphy and Stanley have been running the coolest event this week! They are hosting Everybody Knows Shirley week to help us find furiends that we might not already know. I've been having a blast with this.
Today, I want to bark out that surely/shirley you all know about the Blogville Community Calendar! Yup, I run this little blog myself to try to help everyone promote happenings around our world. Click BCC to link over if you're not familiar with it.
I try my bestest to keep it up to date. If anyone ever hears of an event that isn't listed, please leave a comment for me here or at the BCC bloggie so that I can find the host and get the scoop. BOL
So, that's my Shirley for today!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, And Don't Call Me Shirley
January 27, 2016
Surely You Know Shirley.....Sam
Hey Everyone!
Wow, I am having so much fun with The Doods' event, Everybody Knows Shirley! BWAR HAR HAR Surely/shirley that's the bestest title ever. Surely/shirley you agree! BOL
Well, today I am pawticipating and I want to be surely/shirley that you know my furiend SAM! Click on his name to go visit. Sam is such a sweet and fun furiend. He has overcome a physical challenge and as he says, he lives his life on wheels. Yes, he has his very own wheelie cart that helps him move and live a wonderful life with his family. His has an amazing positive outlook and is a strong and inspirational furiend.
If you've never met SAM, I surely/shirley want to you link over to his blog by clicking his name. He is adorable and uplifting.
Thanks, Murphy & Stanley for hosting this assuredly/ashirley fun event!!
BTW: In case you missed the crabby girls the other day, their Crabby Monday Shirley post featured our peep furiend Sprinkles!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish
January 25, 2016
Surely You Know Shirley...Sprinkles
Hello, Blogville darlings!
We crabby girls are all agog about Murphy and Stanley's current event Everybody Knows Shirley! Teeheehee That's such a fun name, surely/shirley you agree. POL
Well, we would like to make surely/shirley that all of you know our spectacular peep friend, SPRINKLES! Yes, she is a peep and is also Mom to chi boys Chico and Shiver. Please click her name to link over and say hello to her. She is a stellar blog friend.
When Sarge started this blog, many years ago, right after Frankie, Sprinkles was his first commenter! Yes, she most assuredly/ashirley was! OMC that was on August 30, 2010. Frankie left a comment and Sprinkles was the very next commenter on this blog.
Besides that fun fact, she recently earned her degree, and got a new job. Goodness, we are clacking our claws with glee and are so happy for her!
So, if you don't know Sprinkles, click her name and pay her a visit.
Now, we must also remind everyone of our upcoming Valentine's Day Parade! Here are the details:
Blogville Valentine’s Day PARADE 2-14-16
Co-Hosts: Frankie, Ernie, Beachnut & Shelldon
Please join us for a parade to celebrate LOVE in Blogville.
· Couples, Singles, Groups, Friends, Families, Dates
· Floats, Bands, Drill Teams, Wagons, Vehicles, Balloons, Banners
Need Help?? If you’d like to pawticipate, but can’t edit photos, please send a clear pix of yourself to Beachnut & Shelldon at lfurman1987ATyahooDOTcom by 2-5-16 and we will customize your parade entry. Include your name and blog address.
No Help Required ; Photo Ready?? If you will prepare your own parade entry, please send one completed, ready-to-post photo to Frankie & Ernie at frankiefurterpriceATgmailDOTcom by 2-5-16 and we will enter you in the parade. Include your name and blog address.
The 2-5-16 deadline is firm.
Feel free to copy/paste the badge.
Tune in to Beachnut & Shelldon and Frankie & Ernie on February 14, 2016 to watch the Blogville Valentine’s Day Parade!
Ciao and Little Pinches,
Beachnut and Shelldon
January 23, 2016
Snicker Saturday... Toy Trouble
Hey Everyone!
Wow, I have a good chuckle for your Snicker Saturday today! BOL This one made my peeps laugh like crazy.
Boy, what a guy goes through for a little stuffy time. BWAR HAR HAR
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish
January 22, 2016
Friday Furiendly Reminder

Hey Everyone!
Wow, the deadline is quickly sneaking up on us for the big Valentine's Day Parade! My crabby girls, Beachnut and Shelldon are working with FnE to entertain us with a fabulous event.
So far, the girls have:
Sammy & Tuvia
Roxy & Ernie
Lily & Edward
Wyatt & Tegan
Abby & Frankie
Joey & Chester
And ME
And FnE have quite a few entries all lined up too.
So, if you're not on the list above and haven't sent your pix to FnE...
The deadline is 2-5-16
Here are all of the pawticulars::::
Blogville Valentine’s Day PARADE 2-14-16
Co-Hosts: Frankie, Ernie, Beachnut & Shelldon
Please join us for a parade to celebrate LOVE in Blogville.
· Couples, Singles, Groups, Friends, Families, Dates
· Floats, Bands, Drill Teams, Wagons, Vehicles, Balloons, Banners
Need Help?? If you’d like to pawticipate, but can’t edit photos, please send a clear pix of yourself to Beachnut & Shelldon at lfurman1987ATyahooDOTcom by 2-5-16 and we will customize your parade entry. Include your name and blog address.
No Help Required ; Photo Ready?? If you will prepare your own parade entry, please send one completed, ready-to-post photo to Frankie & Ernie at frankiefurterpriceATgmailDOTcom by 2-5-16 and we will enter you in the parade. Include your name and blog address.
The 2-5-16 deadline is firm.
Feel free to copy/paste the badge.
Tune in to Beachnut & Shelldon and Frankie & Ernie on February 14, 2016 to watch the Blogville Valentine’s Day Parade!
Hope to see you all on the 14th!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish
January 20, 2016
January 15, 2016
When I See Sugar Smile...
Hey Furiends!
Wow, this is such a special day today in Blogville! We are all thinking of our beloved furiend, Sugar and sending her our love.
Sugar was one of my first furiends when I came to Blogville and I love her dearly.
When I see Sugar smile, I smile too. And I always feel warmth and love.
Lots and lots of us celebrate her barkday with smiles every year in August.
Lots and lots of us celebrate World Smile Day with her every year in October.
Here are some of my smiles with her over the years.
And, in November of 2012 she sent me the most wonderful pressie pack of gifties! Right out of the clear blue sky....a package arrived from my furiend, Sugar. Here's what it contained...
Isn't that sweet? I wore my Chief of Police tag all my years as Chief.
This is my Mr. Dell today....yup I still have the Golden Woofs sticker right here on my puter table where we all see it every day. It's been right here on my puter since 2012.
And we all know she's a major supporter of See Beautiful. Here's the tag that belongs to my crabby girls! Beachnut and Shelldon have had this hanging on their trendy crabitat for many years.
So, beautiful Sugar, I am thinking of you today and sending you all of my love and golden hugs.
And yes, I'm smiling!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Furiend
January 13, 2016
January 11, 2016
Crabby Monday...Parade Progress
Hello, Blogville Darlings!
Goodness, we crabby girls are all agog at the turnout for our upcoming::::
The response has been stellar and so far we have already entered Sammy & Tuvia and Kismet and Lily & Edward and Wyatt & Tegan! AND our lovely Frankie and Ernie have 9 entries. So our parade is already destined to be amazing. We are clacking our claws with glee! POL
Now, we have been working our long and lovely leggies very hard so we will be ready for all of you on the big day.
The floats simply must be the most spectacular!
Even our darling Sarge is helping us. OMC there is so much to do!
We promise to be ready and entertain Blogville with the best parade possible. But, of course, we need you to join us.
In case you missed the details, here are all of the no particular order. Teeheehee
Blogville Valentine’s Day PARADE 2-14-16
Co-Hosts: Frankie, Ernie, Beachnut & Shelldon
Please join us for a parade to celebrate LOVE in Blogville.
· Couples, Singles, Groups, Friends, Families, Dates
· Floats, Bands, Drill Teams, Wagons, Vehicles, Balloons, Banners
Need Help?? If you’d like to pawticipate, but can’t edit photos, please send a clear pix of yourself to Beachnut & Shelldon at lfurman1987ATyahooDOTcom by 2-5-16 and we will customize your parade entry. Include your name and blog address.
No Help Required ; Photo Ready?? If you will prepare your own parade entry, please send one completed, ready-to-post photo to Frankie & Ernie at frankiefurterpriceATgmailDOTcom by 2-5-16 and we will enter you in the parade. Include your name and blog address.
The 2-5-16 deadline is firm.
Feel free to copy/paste the badge.
Tune in to Beachnut & Shelldon and Frankie & Ernie on February 14, 2016 to watch the Blogville Valentine’s Day Parade!
See you soon!
Ciao and Little Pinches,
Beachnut and Shelldon
January 07, 2016
Hey Everyone!
Wow, I'm so glad to report that emails have come from Mona's mom and she is feeling much better! *WHEW* POTP worked its magic and Mona will be coming home tonight.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish
January 06, 2016
January 04, 2016
Crabby Monday....Announcement Day
Hello, Blogville Darlings!
We crabby girls are so very agog about our big announcement today! We are planning an event with the chic and adorable Frankie and Ernie. Here are all of the claw-clacking details:
Blogville Valentine’s Day PARADE 2-14-16
Co-Hosts: Frankie, Ernie, Beachnut & Shelldon
Please join us for a parade to celebrate LOVE in Blogville.
· Couples, Singles, Groups, Friends, Families, Dates
· Floats, Bands, Drill Teams, Wagons, Vehicles, Balloons, Banners
Need Help?? If you’d like to pawticipate, but can’t edit photos, please send a clear pix of yourself to Beachnut & Shelldon at lfurman1987ATyahooDOTcom by 2-5-16 and we will customize your parade entry. Include your name and blog address.
No Help Required ; Photo Ready?? If you will prepare your own parade entry, please send one completed, ready-to-post photo to Frankie & Ernie at frankiefurterpriceATgmailDOTcom by 2-5-16 and we will enter you in the parade. Include your name and blog address.
Feel free to copy/paste the badge.
Tune in to Beachnut & Shelldon and Frankie & Ernie on February 14, 2016 to watch the Blogville Valentine’s Day Parade!
Oh, goodness we are so excited! We hope to see all of you in the Parade.
Ciao and Little Pinches,
Beachnut & Shelldon
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