
July 28, 2012

Olympic Swimming...Splashing Salmon

Hey Everyone!   JAZZI's WINDOW NOSE ART competition is happening today too!  Be sure to link over to her blog to see the action!   And these other fun events:

Wow, welcome back to my SWIMMING EVENT DAY!   Don't forget to go back to the 6am & 8am post to see those amazing small dogs & cats, the Mighty Minnows.  Then come back at 2pm for the Winning Whales event for large dogs.  Then, don't miss the 6pm edition with Extreme Exotics for all of those other swimming critters.   Here they come, those mid-sizers, it's the Splashing Salmon!

Lifeguard PUDDLES is on duty!
All athletes are breathing a sigh of relief to know they're safe now!  Great suit gorgeous girl!

First up is Frankie's good furiend, CRICKET!  
She's in the Luxury Class for this event!  BOL   Looking cool and comfy!

Check out my furiend, BERTIE
He's doing the 100m Free Relay Race with his Peep!  Fabulous form. Definitely a winning job!


This is my buddy, DEXTER!
Great job on the Water Polo Team, Pea!  Perfect labrastrokes and extreme ball control

Woah, look at RYKER go!
Fabulous splashing action for the Free Style Relay Race!  Look at the intensity and strong legs!

Next up is my furiend CASEY!
Check out that super swirling splashing for the 100m Butterfly action!  Way to go & great suit!

Here comes our gorgeous furiend, ASTA!
She's a star fur sure, and her skill in the Open Water Relay Race is going to be so hard to beat!


Look at the pretty pair NORA and her foster sister!
They are splashing it up during the 25m Short Course Team Medley!  Great job, ladies!


OMD this is my good furiend, NORWOOD!
He's swimming so fast the kayakers can't keep up!  Great Front Crawl stroke buddy!

Here's our sweetie TESS!  
Her suit is amazing & she's really working the 50m Doggie Paddle!  She's stretching into it!

I think LASSITER CHASE & BENJAMIN are ready next!
They're sure to win with those pawesome doggles!  Looking great, my furiends!

Wow, STORMY is really in-it-to-win-it!
Look at the splashing action here in the Cross Country Relay event!  Pawesome athletics!

HENRY's ready next!
Great Reaction Time off the Starting Block!  Making waves in the Open Water 50m Race!


Here is my furiend SHADOW!
He's a superbly trained athlete & showing full concentration in the Open Water Freestyle!
 Here too is SHADOW and GINGER from Shadow's pack!
Amazing Wake Surfing (above) and such a strong Australian Crawl (below)!  WOW!

 Next up is the lovely LULU!
Perfect Synchronized Balance technique on the Water Polo Team!  Looking gorgeous & fit!


All of our Splashing Salmon have demonstrated the highest degree of talent and professional athleticism!  What a great group to watch and cheer for!   All of these pawticipants are awarded this medal and they are free to grab this to display proudly on their own blogs.

Thanks so much for pawticipating in the Swimming Events!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Host


Declan said...

As ever Pamela errr... Pudds has stolen the show! Deccy x

Shawn said...

Whew, we need to take a nappy after watching all of the swimming events! The athletes were pawsome and we could see that the had put many hours into training for their events! We hope they wear their medals wiff pride!

BTW, Winston is very interested in Puddles, she looked very appealing in her lifeguard uniform!

Your furiends,
Winston, Chloe and Cecil

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

That event was pawsome! Glad to be a part of all the action! Thanks for hosting the event. (Pee S.) Mommy was doing the countdown until the 10am event. She was announcing in the house -- only 20 more minutes away...only 10 minutes to go..etc. So much fun!

GOOSE said...

WOWZER I don't know if I can take the action of another swimming heat. The athletes in this one sure out did themselves. And I gotta say I am comforted to know that Puddles, the birthday girl, is on life guard duty. She must be parched after keeping all the athletes safe. I think I will go get her a birthday beer.

Finn said...

So much swimming action! Thank goodness Puddles is there to make everyone is safe!

Sheltie Times said...

Great event. Love the action shots.

Backcountry Brodie said...

Hey Sarge, you know that internal clock we has what goes off when it be nom time? Well, I has reset it to go off fur each swimming event! Pawsome fun seeing all these swimmers. I be back fur more later. I just has to rememmer nom time on my own today.

Matilda the Boxer said...

I did it!! I did it!! All that training and work, OMD I'm exhausted! I thought I might choke up when it was time, but I DID it!! Congrrats to all the pawsome athletes who pawticipated! I can't wait to see the rest of the heats, especially since I can relax now!

Sweet William The Scot said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sweet William The Scot said...

Sweet William The Scot said...
Oh the splashing salmon is really tight. Look at Bertie, Asta and Tess they are neck and neck. This is going to be a photo finish every contestant is going for the gold. Wait everybody is taking photos of Puddles.
Sweet William The Scot

Unknown said...

WOW! Just look at them all go!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

pibble said...

Oh I LOVE seeing dogs having fun in the water! These are great. Congratulations, athletes! Gold all around!

George The Lad said...

Brilliant swimming, I for one don't do water.
Round of a paws for all those taking part.
See you later

Lovable Lily said...

Another strong set of competitors! We gotta get more rest before the next posting. May even be sneaking in a bone or two.

After all... we don't have to watch our figure much anymore now that we are done with swimming Event.

Lily Belle

Asta said...

I was awed by the tewwific competishun
Of couwse having th
thank you fow all yoow hawd wowk in e magnificent Puddles watching out fow us all helped, but what fowm, what gwace, what spowtsmanship
I twied to go to each and evewy contestant's site and congwatuulate them, but sometimes my hungawina bloggie connection won't coopewate..GWWWW thank you fow all yoow hawd wowk and commentawy

you awe the best
smoochie kisses

The World According to Garth Riley said...

Excellent event! But where is my entry? Have I been disqualified due to my unbearable cuteness? (or was it that botched drug test?)

your pal,

Val said...

Woof! The athletes look great! Woof! Echo.

K9 Katastrophie said...

This is great!!


Ruby said...

Wow! That was a very impressive event!! Well done everypup!



Maggie Mae and Max said...

We has never seen such a display of canine aquatic talents before! Great job everybuddy!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

Duke said...

VaVaVoom to Puddles!
Everybody swam their heart out! What a great event!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

The Websters said...

Wowee! Great even everyone.

Thanks for hosting Sarge.


Cara n Crew said...

woo hoo! such a great event and group of swimmers again, Sarge! we can't wait for the next class!

Fraidy Cats Pip, Smidgen, Minnie (and Hollie)

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD WHAT a SPLASH these Athletes did make!!! WONDERFUL Competition...
Thank Goodness Puddles didn't have to save anybuddy.... It is her BIRFDAY and she has been Knockin 'em Back all day...
If she had gone in the Pool... she prolly wouldda Peed in it.

OMD this was a THRILLING Event!! AND I even got to see CRICKET.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic entries by All! Bow Wowzers! I just LUV water sports! :D This is so GREAT Sarge! You sure know how to keep the excitement UP! FUN!

Waggin at ya,

3 doxies said...

Bwhahahaha...OMD, just look at all these kerazy dogs in da water! Howevers, I is very much impressed withs all theres speed and yada yada.
I really hope fur their sakes I not has to save them...hehehe. Hey, anybuddy got any beer/? It's MY birfday TODAY!


Two French Bulldogs said...

BOL, even water polo!
Benny & Lily

Henry's human said...

Thanks for sponsoring the event Sarge. I had a great time swimming with all those super athletic doggies! Wuffs from Henry : )

ZOOLATRY said...

Anybody seen my rubber ducky?
Totally fun photos ~ great sports one and all. Great event!

Frank The Tank said...

These have all done so well! Salmons indeed! They all got skills! Shadow is so cute in that photo and Ryker looks fab! Everyone has done such a good job! Myself I have been Wolf whistling at the life guard from the side lines! Bol! Love from Frank x x x x

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Yay Puddles. Great roster of competitors. Splash, splash.

Bassetmomma said...

Awesome, just awesome! Those athletes must feel so much better knowing that Puddles is watching over them.

WFT Nobby said...

Wow! So it seems there really are lots of dogs out there who actually LIKE swimming.
Toodle pip!
Bertie (never again).

Unknown said...

Surely Phelps and Lochte couldn't compare with our fleet of superbly fit atheletes!
Enjoyed the event thoroughly!
Wags, Gin, Bud n Shadow

Err, Sarge.We'd like to make a last minute correction...that's me,BUDDY in the surfing action and not Shadow as noted.