Hey Everyone!
Wow, it's almost the end of July already! Summer is flying by. Here it is Thursday and time for the next puzzle in my brain-strain series. I'll post a puzzle today, you can all comment your answers, then on Monday I'll post some of the best responses. Without further ado:
Okay, there you go! I can see a few other words and I hope you can all find a bunch of long ones! Get your dictionaries out and start pondering! Have fun.
Tune back in on Monday, August 1st for the results.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
July 28, 2011
July 27, 2011
Two Exciting Things
Hey everyone!
Wow, I'm so totally excited to announce that I'VE BEEN HATTED!!! That's right, sports fans, my furiends at SAS have hatted me. If you don't know Sammy, Andy and Shelly, please click on SAS here to check out their blog. AND I'M THERE IN MY NEW HAT! Thanks so much to SAS and their peep for doing such amazing hattings...and way-cool blog designs. You guys ROCK!
And, I'm so totally excited to say that I've sent my pix in to Bert for his upcoming contest! If you don't know Bert, please click on BERT'S BLOG here to check out his blog. He and His Vickie are super-fun to have for furiends and they are having a new contest. If you're interested, read the posts and send the pix. Thanks so much, Bert and Your Vickie for hosting this cool event. You both ROCK too!
Wow, so much for a Wordless Wednesday, but I was too happy to get the bark out about these two exciting things!
BTW: Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for the 2nd edition of my Brain Buster puzzles!
BTW: Don't forget that Dexter and Louis at Schnauzer Days are hosting a Summers around the World event.
Lots of fun in Blogville...as always!!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Wow, I'm so totally excited to announce that I'VE BEEN HATTED!!! That's right, sports fans, my furiends at SAS have hatted me. If you don't know Sammy, Andy and Shelly, please click on SAS here to check out their blog. AND I'M THERE IN MY NEW HAT! Thanks so much to SAS and their peep for doing such amazing hattings...and way-cool blog designs. You guys ROCK!
And, I'm so totally excited to say that I've sent my pix in to Bert for his upcoming contest! If you don't know Bert, please click on BERT'S BLOG here to check out his blog. He and His Vickie are super-fun to have for furiends and they are having a new contest. If you're interested, read the posts and send the pix. Thanks so much, Bert and Your Vickie for hosting this cool event. You both ROCK too!
Wow, so much for a Wordless Wednesday, but I was too happy to get the bark out about these two exciting things!
BTW: Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for the 2nd edition of my Brain Buster puzzles!
BTW: Don't forget that Dexter and Louis at Schnauzer Days are hosting a Summers around the World event.
Lots of fun in Blogville...as always!!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
July 25, 2011
Sarges Brain Busters...1st Edition Results
Hey everyone!
Wow, I think this was really fun! Here it is Monday, and we're ready for the results of my new series. I hope you all enjoyed straining your eyes and brains with my Thinking Thursday Search-A-Word puzzle. In case you missed it, check out my 7-21-11 post...before you see the answers below!
Here are the results:
The word "DOG" is in here 26 times.
The word "CAT" is in here 25 times.
Did you find them all? Did you have fun??
A huge CONGRATS goes out to The OP Pack! They actually found 26 of each so there was an extra CAT in there somewhere! Wooohoooo and great job!
A huge CONGRATS goes out to Finn! She found all 51! Fabulous work!
Honorable mention YEEHAAs go out to Jazzi and Tessa for both finding 44! Pawesome!
Tune back in this Thinking Thursday for a different type of puzzle.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Wow, I think this was really fun! Here it is Monday, and we're ready for the results of my new series. I hope you all enjoyed straining your eyes and brains with my Thinking Thursday Search-A-Word puzzle. In case you missed it, check out my 7-21-11 post...before you see the answers below!
Here are the results:
The word "DOG" is in here 26 times.
The word "CAT" is in here 25 times.
Did you find them all? Did you have fun??
A huge CONGRATS goes out to The OP Pack! They actually found 26 of each so there was an extra CAT in there somewhere! Wooohoooo and great job!
A huge CONGRATS goes out to Finn! She found all 51! Fabulous work!
Honorable mention YEEHAAs go out to Jazzi and Tessa for both finding 44! Pawesome!
Tune back in this Thinking Thursday for a different type of puzzle.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
July 23, 2011
Snicker Saturday...Frankies Peep Idea
Hey everyone!
Saturday again, and time for another laugh in Blogville. Frankie has this cool idea to turn the flashy beast around on our peeps! A little sauce for the goose, for all the times they've posted our pix when we would really rather have had some privacy or dignity instead. BOL So, I dug around in my pix pack and found some shots of my peeps that they'd rather not share with the world. I'll share the chuckle with all of you:
Saturday again, and time for another laugh in Blogville. Frankie has this cool idea to turn the flashy beast around on our peeps! A little sauce for the goose, for all the times they've posted our pix when we would really rather have had some privacy or dignity instead. BOL So, I dug around in my pix pack and found some shots of my peeps that they'd rather not share with the world. I'll share the chuckle with all of you:
My mom after her eye surgery. Wow.
At least the goggles take attention away from her hair! BOL
This is a subtle one...the only reason this one is funny is because my dad spent about 3 hours working on this little plastic clip. He's trying really super hard to fix it. Why is that funny? Because it costs about 50 cents and you can by them anywhere!! Note the tools and the look of concentration!
For 3 hours he fussed and said an amazing string of HBO words!!
Here's a crowd pleaser! Dad and Papaw Pantslegs...digging in dirt! Now we all know what happens when we do this...Yup, we get yelled at, then thrown into a bath. Not them. This was different. Yeah, right!
Here's Dad goofing off at the Erie Zoo.
He knocked 5 small children out of the way so he could get to do this!
BWAR HAR HAR Just kidding, of course...
The reason I'm awake in this pix is because Dad SNORES!
So, there you are. Snicker Saturday courtesy of Frankie's pawesome idea to get some revenge against our peeps and their annoying flashy beast. Luckily for me, my peeps are such easy targets!!
Happy Weekend Everyone!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
July 22, 2011
Fun Friday From FiveSibes
Hey Everyone!
Wow, it's Friday already! Are you all stretching your brains with my Thinking Thursday from yesterday? Tune in Monday for the follow-up.
OMD, you should see the pawesome prize I won in the Patriotic Pets on Parade Photo Contest that was hosted by FiveSibes! If you don't know them, you're missing out on a way-cool blog and some great furiends! See them by clicking on their name here: FIVESIBES. Back on July 4th they had this cool event and I won a prize. Click on their 7-4-11 post to see the really great slide show parade that they put together. Great idea, great participants, great judge panel, great prizes, great parade!
So, my prize came on Wednesday...here is my photo from the parade:
And here are the pix of my prize:
If this cool treat game looks like fun to you, check out KYJEN TOYS by clicking on their name. They have lots of great goodies.
Thanks again to my furiends FiveSibes!! Your pack ROCKS!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Wow, it's Friday already! Are you all stretching your brains with my Thinking Thursday from yesterday? Tune in Monday for the follow-up.
OMD, you should see the pawesome prize I won in the Patriotic Pets on Parade Photo Contest that was hosted by FiveSibes! If you don't know them, you're missing out on a way-cool blog and some great furiends! See them by clicking on their name here: FIVESIBES. Back on July 4th they had this cool event and I won a prize. Click on their 7-4-11 post to see the really great slide show parade that they put together. Great idea, great participants, great judge panel, great prizes, great parade!
So, my prize came on Wednesday...here is my photo from the parade:
And here are the pix of my prize:
Gimme that colorful box! My mail!
Open, open, open up!
Hurry Mom! Fill those up with frozen hot dog treats, please!
Okay, I see how this works! Pawesome fun!
If this cool treat game looks like fun to you, check out KYJEN TOYS by clicking on their name. They have lots of great goodies.
Thanks again to my furiends FiveSibes!! Your pack ROCKS!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
July 21, 2011
Thinking Thursday...1st Edition
Hey Everyone!
Wow, I was thinking that we should shove our critter craniums into high gear. I'm going to be presenting a series of posts that will stretch our brains. I'll be giving everyone a puzzle on Thinking Thursday. Then everyone can comment their answers and on Monday, I'll post the results for all of us to ponder. There isn't necessarily one right answer on these and I'll try to keep them so anyone can join in. What do you think??? Well, that's the idea! Here we go:
Can you find them all??? I know...Mom made this a little small...get your glasses out!
Tune in Monday to see how many "Dog"s and "Cat"s I stuck in here.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Wow, I was thinking that we should shove our critter craniums into high gear. I'm going to be presenting a series of posts that will stretch our brains. I'll be giving everyone a puzzle on Thinking Thursday. Then everyone can comment their answers and on Monday, I'll post the results for all of us to ponder. There isn't necessarily one right answer on these and I'll try to keep them so anyone can join in. What do you think??? Well, that's the idea! Here we go:
Can you find them all??? I know...Mom made this a little small...get your glasses out!
Tune in Monday to see how many "Dog"s and "Cat"s I stuck in here.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
July 20, 2011
July 19, 2011
Traveling Tuesday...Me Too
Hey Everyone!
Wow, I got to go on a day camp this past Sunday! (You know, a day camp has all the fun of a regular camp without the tent.) THIS TIME WHEN MY PEEPS TRAVELED, I GOT TO GO TOO!!
It was so much fun! Here are all the pix:
Wow, I got to go on a day camp this past Sunday! (You know, a day camp has all the fun of a regular camp without the tent.) THIS TIME WHEN MY PEEPS TRAVELED, I GOT TO GO TOO!!
It was so much fun! Here are all the pix:
Dad and I bond in the cool shade!
We're spending the day at Kinzua Reservoir.
Going swimmie...for a stick!!! Woohoo!
Here's the mud to prove how much fun I had!
Pawesome view!
Then we stopped at the dam to take a look at the view!
Wow, so that's what made that pawesome lake!
And here's the overflow from the dam!
Dad and I are enjoying the scenery!
Boy, was it a blast! I think we'll be going back to do a real, overnight camp there for a few days! Pawesome! I absolutely can't wait!!
If you get the chance to go camp (day or night) with your peeps, definitely GO GO GO.
It's the best time ever!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
July 16, 2011
Snicker Saturday...English Lesson
Hey Everyone!
Wow, it's the WEEKEND! Wooohoooo. Happy Snicker Saturday to all of you.
Here's a little video...
And some peeps say we're just dumb animals! We know exactly what's going on...we understand everything our peeps say...and we're not telling!! BOL BWAR HAR HAR
BTW: Don't forget to stop by and see Dexter and Louis at Schnauzerdays! They are running that pawesome Summer photo event. Pawesome stuff there!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Wow, it's the WEEKEND! Wooohoooo. Happy Snicker Saturday to all of you.
Here's a little video...
And some peeps say we're just dumb animals! We know exactly what's going on...we understand everything our peeps say...and we're not telling!! BOL BWAR HAR HAR
BTW: Don't forget to stop by and see Dexter and Louis at Schnauzerdays! They are running that pawesome Summer photo event. Pawesome stuff there!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
July 15, 2011
PSA...go see Sophie
Good morning.
Please go to Sophie's blog by clicking on her name. Very moving and important post for peeps and pups too.
BTW: Dogs can have the same thing mentioned in the video...
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Please go to Sophie's blog by clicking on her name. Very moving and important post for peeps and pups too.
BTW: Dogs can have the same thing mentioned in the video...
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
July 14, 2011
Traveling Thursday...again
Hey Everyone!
Wow, my peeps ran away with Frankie and Mamaw and Papaw Pantslegs last weekend! They all had a blast together. Here are some pix of this cool place they went where there were pawesome wood carvings...Warther Museum in Amish Country in Ohio...
Wow, my peeps ran away with Frankie and Mamaw and Papaw Pantslegs last weekend! They all had a blast together. Here are some pix of this cool place they went where there were pawesome wood carvings...Warther Museum in Amish Country in Ohio...
Mr Warther was amazing at carving wooden pliers.
He made this pawesome scene from a steel mill...and the parts move!! All hand carved!
Cool huh?!?
His whole family liked to hunt for arrow heads, then he arranged them to display.
Check out the detail in the engine!
He met several US presidents and here he is on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson.
Anyway, if you find this interesting, you can check out the museum if you're ever in Ohio!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COPJuly 12, 2011
Traveling Tuesday
Hey Everyone!
Wow, it's Tuesday already! Well, I promised to show you pix from the trip that my peeps went on while we were all enjoying the big Luau! Here it is! They went to Niagara Falls, NY to see the falls from the US side and then they went to historical Fort Niagara. Again, they somehow managed to have fun without taking me along (sniffle), but I had important work to do here. I guarded our territory while they went on vacation. The pix they brought back seemed to show these are two neat places to go. The falls sure were pretty. Mom and Dad said that Fort Niagara is located where the Niagara River flows into Lake Ontario. The fort was really important during the War of 1812 and it has been really well preserved and refurbished in the original style. Here come the pix!
And here's where the second set of Saturday Steps came from: Fort Niagara!
Wow, it's Tuesday already! Well, I promised to show you pix from the trip that my peeps went on while we were all enjoying the big Luau! Here it is! They went to Niagara Falls, NY to see the falls from the US side and then they went to historical Fort Niagara. Again, they somehow managed to have fun without taking me along (sniffle), but I had important work to do here. I guarded our territory while they went on vacation. The pix they brought back seemed to show these are two neat places to go. The falls sure were pretty. Mom and Dad said that Fort Niagara is located where the Niagara River flows into Lake Ontario. The fort was really important during the War of 1812 and it has been really well preserved and refurbished in the original style. Here come the pix!
Niagara River just before it reaches the Falls.
Niagara Falls
The ever-present rainbow over the falls.
The shoreline of Lake Ontario
The main fort...built to sort of look like a big house...so it would not upset the local native indians.
The drawbridge mechanism...stone, wood and rope.
One of the towers
Guard walls
Inside a tower.
So, there you have it. A quick look at the greater Niagara NY area. I hope you enjoyed it. To me, the best part was when my peeps got back home! BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COPJuly 11, 2011
Musical Monday
Hey everyone!
Wow, I've got another music video for us! This time from the vacation my peeps took while we were at the Luau! I have a post coming up tomorrow for Traveling Tuesday to show you where this was filmed. Until then, enjoy the concert!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Wow, I've got another music video for us! This time from the vacation my peeps took while we were at the Luau! I have a post coming up tomorrow for Traveling Tuesday to show you where this was filmed. Until then, enjoy the concert!
I hope you liked the music. Tune in (get it?!) tomorrow to see the location.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
July 09, 2011
Saturday...not Georges...Steps
Hey everyone!
While my peeps were busy travelling around recently, I reminded them to please be sure to look for interesting steps to show my furiend George The Lad. Well, they actually did it!!
Here are a few pix from their Gettysburg trip (see full post from 7-7-11) showing pawesome steps into several of the monuments there:
While my peeps were busy travelling around recently, I reminded them to please be sure to look for interesting steps to show my furiend George The Lad. Well, they actually did it!!
Here are a few pix from their Gettysburg trip (see full post from 7-7-11) showing pawesome steps into several of the monuments there:
Steps to the Pennsylvania Monument
Steps inside the Little Round Top Monument
Little Round Top Monument.
Then these pix are of steps they saw last weekend...I'll post all about this place on Traveling Tuesday!
Stay tuned to Traveling Tuesday to find out where the steps can be found.
Hey George, I always love your Saturday Step posts so much. You go to the most pawesome places! I hope I did you proud with these pix of steps from my peeps' two trips.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
July 08, 2011
Zona's Two-Legger
If you get at chance, please click on her name ZONA to stop in and say congrats to her and her pack!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COPJuly 07, 2011
Traveling Thursday
Hey Everyone!
Wow, I almost forgot to show all of you where my peeps ran off to a few weekends ago! While I was busy in the slammer doing undercover COP research, Mom & Dad ran away to Gettysburg. They must have managed to have at least a little fun without me...though I'm not sure how. I gotta admit, that from the pix they brought back, this must be a very historical and interesting place. There was a cool festival going on so they heard really great brass and blues bands, and saw some great artworks. I posted the band highlights earlier. Here are some of the pix from their trip:
Hey don't forget our furiends Dexter and Louis at Schnauzer Days are having a Summer Photo Contest! See their 7-1-11 post for details! This will be so much fun.
Wow, I almost forgot to show all of you where my peeps ran off to a few weekends ago! While I was busy in the slammer doing undercover COP research, Mom & Dad ran away to Gettysburg. They must have managed to have at least a little fun without me...though I'm not sure how. I gotta admit, that from the pix they brought back, this must be a very historical and interesting place. There was a cool festival going on so they heard really great brass and blues bands, and saw some great artworks. I posted the band highlights earlier. Here are some of the pix from their trip:
A row of cannons along one of the many battlefields.
Overlooking the hillside from inside the Little Round Top Monument.
General George Mead's statue.
He was born about 1 hour from my home territory!
He was born about 1 hour from my home territory!
In the Cemetery, where President Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address.
Now we're talkin'! This artist did all portraits of...DOGS! Cool.
Some peep obviously had the great good sense to bring his dog.
So, I hope you enjoyed this little peek at historic Gettysburg.
Next week on Traveling Tuesday, I'll show you where they went while we were all at the big Luau!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
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