September 17, 2018

Crabby Monday...Shell Yoga

BEACHNUT:  "Goodness, Shelldon Darling, what ever are you doing in there?!?" 

SHELLDON:  "I'm practicing my shell yoga.  This is the upward-gazing-glamour-girl move."  Teeheehee.  

BEACHNUT:  "What a spectacular position!   You are most perfectly balanced on your pretty white shell-butt, and your long and lovely leggies are in great form."    (Oh, I hope she doesn't tip over backwards. POL)

SHELLDON:   "Say, the ceiling in our cocohut could use some cleaning."

Hello, Blogville Darlings.   What moves are you up to today?

Little Pinches,
Beachnut and Shelldon


  1. aah that are the after effects of yoga.. the mama looked at the ceiling too while gettin her back back to balance and noticed a spiderweb on the ceiling what my dad had to remove immediately... hahaha

  2. Wow, impressive yoga moves! Can you do downward facing dog? Just turn over and look at Scooter!

  3. Hari Om
    OMC darlings... it was in emulating this move that I found myself pirouetting as none had before and landed on the floor, looking at the Hutch's ceiling and wondering about the funny shape my limb was in.... uughhh flashbacks.... be safe dear Shelldon!!! hugs and clackities YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Good afternoon darlings!
    Apparently I am practicing the 'spoilt dog' today. It involves lying on one's back (such good exercise, of course) and having one's tummy tickled...
    Toodle pip!

  5. Well, you certainly are a very nimble gal!

  6. What a flexible crabby you are sweet Sheldon!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  7. OMCs Shell yoga...that absolutely gave me the giggles.
    You crabbies are misnamed nothing crabby about y'all
    Thank you for the lovely comment on our precious little Diva.
    She gave Diva a new meaning. Each time I see a sun puddle or a box I'll smile. She gave me so much joy and I'm pretty sure she'd be royally UPSET if I quit blogging so I will be back ...and who knows an Angelic Diva will probably fly every so often too.
    Hugs and Proud to have been Mom of Madi

  8. I've heard of goat yoga, but shell yoga is a new one to me! You ladies are always way ahead of the newest trends!

  9. Downward facing dog - it are my favorite!

  10. Mom has been thinking of trying yoga. Do you give lessons Sheldon?
    Hazel & Mabel

  11. Shell yoga - very nicely done! Seems a little risky but your sister is there to keep an eye/leg on you so it should be safe enough.

    Hugs, Teddy

  12. Who would have guessed that you gals did yoga?

  13. OMD! That is so cool gurls! I gots to try that move....*thud*...ouch. Yeah, I thinks I'll leave Shell Yoga to you Crabby gurls!
    I thinks I needs a margarita now....
    Ruby ♥

  14. So there is some heavy duty ceiling cleaning in the near future?

  15. hello crabby girls its dennis the vizsla dog hay their is always sumthing wot has got to be dun on the howse isnt their??? ok bye

  16. Wonderful job with shell yoga! My assistant tries to do yoga, but usually ends up falling over. LOL

  17. Looking good girls, you gonna do a fitness video?

  18. We just love your yoga moves. We heard shell yoga is great for hermits like yourself. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful rest of your day and workout.
    World of Animals


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