
March 25, 2016

My 10th Barkday Party....Post 2 of 2

Hey furiends!    Welcome back to pawty part 2!

(If you missed part one, link back to it so you don't miss any of the fun!)

My peeps gave me some pressies!      Oh, the fun of opening packages.

Cool!   These are super fun stuffies.    I'll be playing with those tomorrow after my party is all over.  Just sayin'.

OMD there are still more partiers showing up!!    Here come more guests...

Holy cow, the ladies are about to faint!    Check out my furiends Reilly and Denny.  They are so full of handsomeness.      Let's go grab some foodables and mingle a little in the crowd.   I'm so glad you're here!

Everyone be sure to step outside for some yummers.     It's a "Build Your Own Gourmet Hot Dog" spread!   Holy cow that looks delish.   Grilled tube steaks and all the toppings and fixings you could ever want.   Be sure you grab a few and munch away!

Oh, my Aussie furiends made it!!    Welcome to the pawty, Bella and Dui.    Thanks bunches for bringing cake and we'll all be drooling over that.    BOL

Everyone bark or meow a hello to Millie & Walter!      Hi furiends and thanks so much for coming.  Be sure to grab some toys and snacks.

Puppy Punch is available for everyone to sample!   It's delish and a little more "tame" than some of the other drinkies around the party today.   BOL/MOL

Kitty Cream is available for my kitty furiends too!   I tried it and it's delish as well.

Chester & Joey are here from The Daily Bone!    I'm so glad you could be here with me.   Come on in and grab a drinkie and some foodables.      We're going to have so much fun today!

 There are lots more toys around to everyone to play with!      Don't be shy, my furiends.  Jump right in and have a blast!

OMD our furiend Sweet William is here too!   YIPEEE.   Thanks for coming and your animated card is adorable.    Holy jumpin' jalapenos, it's a mariachi band!!    That'll liven things up fur sure.

OMD this is my new doxie furiend Christmas!    If you don't know him and his Mom Robin, please click his name to go visit.   They are wonderful and fun and have lots of pets in their family!

Wow, Speedy is wearing a colorful harness for the party today!   He looks great, of course and I'm wagging like crazy that he's here with us.     We have some great veggies to snack on, so let's grab something to eat, my furiend!
And Speedy caught this super group pix of everyone!!  Thanks bunches!!

My party wouldn't be complete without my furiends Lassie & Benji!    AND THEY BROUGHT CAKE!   Woohooo because I think we were running low on sweet snackers.   The frosting will be delish and I'll be sure to huff and blow out all of the candles.   

Hey, Casey & Jessie are here too!     OMD I gotta bark that it looks a little like Casey might have gotten a head start with the drinkies.   Just sayin'.    BWAR HAR HAR     Have fun, my furiends and I'm glad you're here with me today.

Woah, fellas!!    Check out our gorgous Lady Shasta!    Some lucky guy should give her a twirl around the dance floor.   She is looking lovely in her dress and corsage.    Beautiful, my furiend!!

 Hey everyone!!   Give a big shout HELLO to Oreo & Addi.     OMD you are such sweet furiends and my barkday wouldn't be the same without you both.   Thanks for coming and be sure to grab a snack!

Ruby, thanks for coming today!     Oh, and I see you brought some rubyritas for us.   Ahhhhhh those are so delish.    Everyone will be enjoying them.      Maybe we can spin around the dancefloor together!

Well, furiends, now the party's really official!    Our co-mayorz Murphy & Stanley have arrived.  WOOHOOO       Wow, you guys have the bestest smiles and I'm wagging to have you here.

BEFORE YOU LEAVE:   Please be sure to grab a party favor as my thanks for being here with me today!     There are lots of toys and treats in each one...especially for you, my furiends.

Now, don't forget that all of you (except FnE) are entered in the big drawing for a pressie from Clara's Collars!     Click the link to check out all of the great collars, leashes, harnesses, bow ties, collar flowers, tag holders, etc.     Bestest of luck to all of you.    The drawing will be held tomorrow, so tune in to see who won.


I adore all of you and you fill my life with joy and love.   
Thanks for sharing with me today!

Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Party Animal


My GBGV Life said...

Wow, what a party! I love the toilet water punch! Such a nice touch! Hope your birthday was a perfect 10! Happy birthday to you!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this could be the MOST Awesome of all parties. I love the toilet water, ROFL... I wish you 10 more barkdays.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hey OREO... good to see you... let's go PEE on some of Sarge's Trees..

OMD this is the bestest time .. SOOOOOOOOooooooo many of our furends are Here... WHAT is DUI doing? OMD he is Shredding and Deading a Stuffie...
MURPHY STANLEY... let's go Help DUI...
Abby, are you and Roxy and Shasta gonna take TWERKING LESSONS from Madi?
This is getting OUTTA PAW...
Ruby and Princess Leah had better not give your girrrrls any more drinks fur a while.

HEY GUYS.... Let's take the Birfday boy out back to see if he can show us how to Bash and Mash some Munks...

FiveSibesMom said...

Bowser-wowsers! What a paw-ty!!! And there's the goregeous Birthday boy! Everyone looks so spiffy and beautiful! SO much fun! The FiveSibes are howling, "Happy Birthday to woo, Happy Birthday to woo, Happy Birthday wooooo-00000, Happy Birthday, dear Sarge!"

Party on!

Sweet William The Scot said...

I am going to PARTY till they turn the lights out!
Happy Double Digit Birthday Sarge.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL MOL MOL toilet water that cracked mom up!! Too funny and blue too.
Sarge you look 10 kinds of handsome today on your 10th. Happy double nickels to you my friend.
Hugs madi your bfff

Millie and Walter said...

Hey Sarge we have never tried Toilet Water but it was delish. Now Walter is heading outside to join the other boy dogs in a contest to see how high they can pee on a tree. We bet you are the best at that.

Ooops! Walter fell over on his side from lifting his leg too high. BOL!

Millie is embarrassed and is heading inside to hang out with the other girl dogs. She heard Princess Leah has pulled out another bottle of wine and is pouring some right now.

We sure are enjoying your great party.

Happy Birthday Sarge!

Murphy said...

Happy birfday to ewe! Happy birfday to ewe! You have the bestest birfday pawty ever Sarge! And you still look like you are about 5! Oh, they're calling me back to the stage . . . maybe we can have a few drinks after this set! Butt not as many as Casey . . . who knew?

Keep Calm & Happy Birfday!

Murphy & Stanley

easyweimaraner said...

Oh I love the gifts ... the blue monkey is a fabulous toy!!! and I sure will have a drink from that bottle... Toiletwater... wait a minute... that means eau de toilette, the same stuff what my mom sprays on her body... hahahaha...

Little Miss Titch said...

Wow I have had a great time at you party,and thanks for the party favours.We'll have to do it again some time....the partying that is...just saying,xx Speedy

M. K. Clinton said...

Happy 10th Barkday to you, happy 10th Barkday to you, Happy 10th Barkday dear Sarge...Happy 10th Barkday to you...ARRROOOOOOO! The food, the drinks, the treats and the paw-ty favors are the best! You really are the baddest dawg in the whole darn town. (In the most awesome way, of course) Thanks for inviting us to share your special day! ♥ ♥

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Happy, happy, birthday dear friend. Wishing you many more!

WFT Nobby said...

Happy Birthday Sarge!
Wow that was a simply splendid party, thank you so much. I especially enjoyed the toilet water drinks..
Er, burp.
Toodle pip!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
OMDness.... you will be needing the whole weekend to recover from this one Sarge - what a tremendous turnout and so much lovely foodables and drinkables.... Here's to many many more joyful barkdays for you dear Commish... blessings hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Idaho PugRanch said...

Pawty Pawty pawty!!!! You got some great pressies Sarge! the pawty is going strong - and we are having a ball!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Ruby said...

WoooooHoooooo!!!! OMD, this is the bestest pawty evers!!!! I am havin' the bestest time Sarge!!! the Band is FABulous...and I thinks the guitar player is HAWT!!!! YOu thinks he will gives me a sniff laters??? hehehehehe
Hey, the foodables look amazin'!!! Hey, is there cake?? I loves me some cake!!! Oooooo, you knows what???? I bets I can pour this margarita over the IScream and make a most FABulous new dessssert!!! Who's in??!
Ruby ♥

GOOSE said...

Happy Happy Happy birthday Sarge!!!!!!!!!! Happy birthday to you.

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

OMD Sarge wots a pawty !!! Dids yoo see wots dat Hiro pets got ups to ? Hims is such a pain in da butt BOL
Wee has to say yoo does not looks a day ova 7 , its amazin dat wee timed our return in time fur dis most wondyfull sellybrayshun
Wivs lovs
Da K Krew

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

What a fangtastic pawty....hic...of excuse us, we tried all the drinks and have some repeat....hic...pawty food. Happy Birthday, Sarge! Have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

What a BASH!!!! Sarge you have so many friends who love you (like me) and you got so much STUFF for prezzies too which just makes you FEEL THAT LOVE doesn't it? What lovely and delish yummables you provided for all of us. You're the BESTEST - HAPPY BIG TEN!

Love, Sammy

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Birthday, Sarge!!! What a great party!!! And isn't it wonderful to have so many fantastic friends!!!'

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

OMD...What a great pawty the foodables, the barktinis, NOM!! Everything was perfect!! Thanks so much for inviting us and we hope you have the bestest birthday EVER, Sarge!!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Duke said...

Happy 10th Birthday, Sarge! Live it up, buddy!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday from all of us Sarge!

Cowspotdog said...

what an awesome party - it is going to take a week to recover !

Scooter said...

What a party Sarge. I can't find Addi but pretty sure she's with Bertie. I gotta go find Hazel and we are having so much fun.
Happy Birthday Sarge

Oreo and Addi

Ruby said...

Um Sarge, BossMan, Sir, Your Commishness....have you seen my Pawty Hat??? I can't seem to finds it anywheres...Oh waits...Is that it on Frankies hinnie???
FRANKIE!!!! That's MY hat!!! can keep it....
I thinks seein' that deserves a MargaIScream!!!
Ruby ♥

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Happy birthday Sarge. It looks like you had a great day with wonderful friends

Two French Bulldogs said...

This pawrty is outta control
Lily & Edward

rottrover said...

Happy, Happy Barkday, Sarge!!

Your pal,


Charliedownunder said...

Crikey Sarge ..... you sure know how to put on a party, aye? What a great time everyone had. Happy, happy 10th Mate! Hip, Hip, Hooray!!!!!

C.L.W.STEP said...

Wow wow wow! More food and squeaky toys too! And more friends too! Happy birthday again Sarge! What a wonderful party!

If I might make a rather late suggestion, the moon is out right now and we should all go out and howl at it!

Robin + Christmas said...

Bow wow, this was a great pawty! I was happy to see my photo here!

Your Dachshund friend,

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Love the puppy punch!!!!! Great pawty!

Matilda the Boxer said...

What? Pawty? Um.... wow, I might've gotten a LITTLE carried away with the drinks... I don't really remember what happened. Were squirrels involved? Oh my head!