Hey Everyone!
Here is my next edition of Wacky Webster. You know, the one where I show you some of the cool word verification squiggly letter thingies that come up when we comment on our blogs. I'll tell you what I think these weird words mean and you comment what you think.
This week I'm gonna give a daffy definition for one, and not give anything for the other so all of you can start that one on your own from scratch! Please let me know what you think of that.
Here we go:
Worters: A skin condition
ie: "Norwood, if you don't let those toads alone you're gonna get worters on your tongue!!"
What do you think this means?
Okay, you pups can work on this one by yourselves.
What do you think it means?
Have fun everyone...I know I will really enjoy reading your definitions!
Grr and a Wordy Woof,
Sarge, COP
Uh ...to remove yourself from a tricky situation? Just a wild guess.
Your pal, Pip
I has no idea but I hads one dis morning dat said MEXICO....so maybe I go dere to get da answer?
Hmm, no idea! but we really like your def!
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
Ah, something with the computer?
We are very sad to hear about Richie - it was quite a surprise when we heard about it earlier today - our hearts go out to his family.
As for that word, excrionc, no clue but maybe they are getting at what the "ex" says when the judge starts to twist his arm for more alimony:) Ex-cry-uncle:)
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
well duh...excreting sumptin.
I gots no clue...hehehehe...as usual.
PS: I wasn't sures if ya'll gots my email or not
A totally wacked out of control with MAJOR issues something, I dunno!!
Hey Everyone!
Well, I was thinking that if something happened to Jane Fonda and they rebuilt her...better, faster, stronger, etc she would then be excrionic! Bionic exercises...well, I don't know...I made that up!
worters---worried hoarders
excrionc---Punk Rock band
Benny & Lily
Excrionc - exorcist something. I don't know!
Furst of all, Sarge, you are right about the green beans but I had to give in after 2 years of snubbing my nose at them! That's what friends do! BOL!
Second...."worters" is a slang/red-neck term for "waters" such as "If I don't get your behind in them there worters I am going to skin your hide."
Third----"excrionic" is someone who is no longer a crionic (a higher version of a bionic woman/man) such as "Joe could no longer use his excrionic eyes to see the top secret documents so he used his 20/20 vision instead."
Oh my goodness - these are kinda icky sounding words, aren't they? :)
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