March 14, 2011

Mother Murphy Moppin' Monday

Hey everyone!

Wow, I think I can actually do a short video!   I'm really working hard with my new furiend Mr Dell to learn the tricks of great blogging.

 Today, I tapped into my inner puppy and did something I haven't done for a really, really long time.  I decided to entertain Mom while she was mopping the floor.  I know this is a really boring chore, so I tried to cheer her up...worked like a charm.   Check this out:

Boy, I sure hope this worked!  I'll be all sorts of embarrassed if it didn't.  Hopefully you will all be laughing at this video instead of my lack of tech skills.

Either way, Enjoy!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP


  1. Hey Sarge, you really showed that mop who is boss! Good for you!

    Your pal, Pip

    P.S.: Puddles and I are on our way to catch some bad guys. Meet us in the woods behind Frankie's house.

  2. Yay! Good for you -- keeping that mop in line, AND doing the video!

  3. Sarge, you did a great job keeping that mop under control. For some reason, the Momster makes Ciara go outside when she is using the mopster:)

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  4. Hey Everyone!
    Wow, I forgot to mention...this actually happened on Sunday, but Scrubbin' Sunday wasn't as catchy for the title! BWAR HAR
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  5. BaaaaaaWaaaaahhhhh Sarge your movie is grrrreat buddy. I can see that you showed mr. don aslett JUST where to find the ... dirt. hehehe
    A+ on your training film.

  6. sure showed dat mop a thing or two. It won't mess withs you no more!

    Uh, my mum is LOOOOOVIN' your floors! Them da kinda floors hers wanted but didn't get 'em.


  7. Way to go on showing who's boss, buddy! No mop can beat a member of PawsBang, right? ;)


  8. HI Sarge,
    I can tell from the comments that that was a great funny video but for me on dial up there is no video!! Being on dial up sucks!!! I miss a lot!!
    Thanks for your visit!!
    xx, Bambi & Fern (her Mom)

  9. Kill it! Kill it! BOL!! You are lucky to be in the house while your mom mops. We all get chucked outside in the porch when the inside of the house needs to be mopped.

  10. Yeah. We have to go outside during the mopin' thing, like Ciara :-(

  11. Aria used to do that. :)
    I am sure your Mom appreciated you. Keep up the good work.

  12. We bet your Mom could hardly mop from laughin' so hard! Good way to make chores fun. Well done, Sarge.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  13. It worked! Morgan says the mop isn't so bad, but watch out for that vacuum cleaner! She thinks those are out to steal your soul!


  14. Between you taking care of that mop and Phoenix protecting us from the vacuum, we've got floor cleaning machines covered! BOL!

    Loved your video!


  15. Hi, Sarge!
    I liked a lot your video!
    And I have to say you are so brave!
    My grandma says "mop" and I run away... all the time!
    Kisses and hugs

  16. GET that bad mop! We're glad to see that you can relax and have some fun even with all the "robbery" cases you're trying to solve. Knowing how to separate work and play is a good thing!

    The Road Dogs


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